November’s Pet of the Month

19 Responses to November’s Pet of the Month

  1. muffinburger1 says:

    Ya CupcakeNerdsPup me to i have a LiL white teryer and LiL pug and i want a signiture small pug and a shar pai, but sadly shar pai is sold out and retierd and I am hoping one for christmas or my birthday. I got so sad when i found out he retierd I went to my room an cryed a little. So every time I see a verchawal shar pai I sigh. add me in webkinz world if you have a account at muffinburger1.

  2. popy380 says:

    i’d name him ‘color patch’ or mabye just ‘patch’… he’s soooo cute!

  3. cmg105 says:

    November is my b-day woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. zoie6564 says:

    This Patch Puppy Is So CUTE!!!!! :))

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