As many of you are aware, GANZ has not announced any new Webkinz plush pets in the past few months. The last new plush was the beautifully crafted Narwhal. We can now officially state that there will be no new Webkinz plush in 2019 and that the Narwhal will be the final plush toy of the “first generation” of Webkinz plush.
Our reasons for making this decision are three-fold:
- For any toy to be produced at an appropriate price, a minimum number need to be produced. Our retail orders for our new styles, even great ones like the Narwhal, had fallen below this minimum.
- Our attempts to move plush sales online through the eStore and Amazon did not meet our goals.
- After 14 years and over 500 unique pets, this generation of the toy line had run its course.
The reality is that at times every toy brand needs to take a break, evolve and reinvent. Many of the biggest toy brands in the world – My Little Pony, Transformers, Strawberry Shortcake – have had times where there were no toys on retail shelves.
Will this impact Not at all. One of the big developments in the past few years is the acceptance of online purchasing. When we launched Ganz eStore in 2008, many players didn’t understand the idea of buying “purely” virtual pets. Now we’re all used to buying virtual items and we’re happy to say eStore use has been going up! Many of our new eStore virtual pets have been well received and are among our best looking pets ever! As we’ve said elsewhere, GANZ is committed to and with our desktop version coming soon, the future of the game is strong.
Will Webkinz plush be back? Definitely. GANZ was born as a plush toy company and lovable plush will always be near to our hearts. We have had many discussions about future products and how best to bring those products to market. We can’t say anything more about this at this time, but we do hope to have some more announcements later in the year.
In the meantime, you can still find Webkinz plush at Ganz eStore, and through other online retailers. All available plush are “while quantities last,” so if there is a specific pet you’d like, you will want to order it soon.
We’ve all had great experiences with our Webkinz plush and have those favorites that we feel closest to. While we may be taking a break from making new styles, our incredible range of amazing plush toys will forever be a core part of Webkinz World.
Stay strong Webkinz!!! I believe in you!! Will the price of the remaining plushies go up? I guess Premium members will have to use estore points if they can’t find a plush.
We have no control over the secondary market, unfortunately.
This was my concern, too. So many out there will try to gouge collectors, now.
Ebay and Amazon have crazy prices for plush..Cheaper to just buy the tag..which is what I have been doing. SOME Great prices if you look close enough ;)
I guess that’s the potential trade off, but I do like the plush and am now regretting not salvaging ‘the dishevelled and bedraggled’ ones in the local frugal fund shops. Now, I’ll be paying mind and keeping watch for stragglers. Given the situation, they could well become wonderful nostalgic gifts, once they’re revived.
Thanks for answering :)
Aww. The plushs are so cute. I’d hate to see them go away.
This is absolutely fantastic news. I just returned around the time the narwhal came out and was hoping whenever the next one would come out that i would get that one when it did! So i was sad hearing the rumor that no more were going to be made. This is great news and im excited to see what Webkinz has in store for the future!
My first Webkinz was the chihuahua and my second was the alley cat. I bought both back in 2007 while on vacation with the money I was saving for the trip. It’s sad not to see any more Webkinz plush on store shelves. I like the e Store but it’s not the same as going into a store and shuffling through the shelves, not being able to decide which one to pick. Such great memories!
That is so neat! My first was also a Chihuahua, my second was a hairy version retriever and at first I thought that the furniture items cost REAL money, so I shut the game off and I pouted. Then I started looking for groups who knew stuff about Webkinz. Boy, did I ever feel sheepish. Once I figured out how to earn money and use the trading cards, I was totally hooked. I still love me some Webkinz Plush, so I am glad they aren’t stopping altogether. The first series has now become a part of internet history, they started something really great and I am looking forward to the next phase and new chapter.
My first webkinz was also the chihuahua!
Aw, definitely. =( My first pet was also the Chihuahua that I got during Christmas of 2008. My *first* first pet though was the Dalmatian but I lost it before I could adopt it. One of my fondest memories of being in the US was looking for Webkinz I wanted, and asking the vendors and cashiers if they had a particular pet. I guess those days are over now. =( But you’re right–they were wonderful memories, and at least someday, though we’re not sure exactly when, Webkinz plush will return to store shelves.
I do understand why this decision was made but it’s sad to end the excitement from finding a plush in store and taking it home.
It wasn’t just that. there are plenty of different animal dolls you can buy out there. It was also the “two for one” sale of taking home a doll to cuddle with, then play with your friends online.
I am going to put up a memorial for our loss. ;( It will have all my plushes and codes. Thank you, Ganz, for 14 years of happy children. R.I.P.
it’s been so fun with webkinz plush! but we will continue to support your safe online site too! thanks for the update! and you should be proud for accomplishing and touching so many families!
thank you for the years of fun! webkinz has, and still is, a big part of me and I’m thankful for the 14 years you guys have been making plush!
This is a sad day for a lot of players that collected plush. I use to, but I haven’t for a very long time. I, myself, prefer the virtual pets, so this is no change for me, but I do know it makes others sad. I can’t wait to see what happens to with new plush when you continue with them though! That will be something to really look forward to for sure! I love the game either way. Thank you for such great plush over the years. I had probably around 1500 at one time.
@_@ 1500?!? Whoa. I’m having trouble finding display space for 35. LOL!
this must be the coming of Webkinz’s Dark Age. it is finishing up it’s Golden Age of a surge of players either starting or returning and that has gotten the player base up. but the cease of plush making is marking the Dark Age.
Sad day.