Ooh, Dragon Fruit!



That’s what Debbie Dragon keeps saying, anyway. She also likes watermelon. Dragon fruit and watermelon – a perfect lunch!

106 Responses to Ooh, Dragon Fruit!

  1. unet101 says:

    Okay well I’m not quite sure but… It has to have dragon fruit. Now that’s not very helpful right now. But think about it it might be something spicey, sweet, or juts plane hot. Because dragons usually live in hot areas and eat hot stuff sometimes but i don’t know. I’ll try to figure it out and get more clues

  2. TUXEDOCAT4 says:

    I am confused is it Bean Burrito -cheese, pancake, and baked beans
    sandwich maker
    Pancakes + Pizza + Eggs = Fried Callistorm cook in a stove

  3. taylorswiftfan says:

    Dragon fruit is another clue. :)

  4. Pegagrl says:

    OK, I am stumped. Is the 4th recipe bean burritos, or fried callistorm? Please help!

  5. 12377lenora says:

    where do u get dragon fruit?

  6. miley says:

    ATTENTION! THIS IS THE 6TH RECIPE! THIS WAS THE LAST RECIPE! I mean, you know, probably. :-)

    • miley says:

      I just checked, this is what chef gazpacho said, EXACTLY:
      Hey, kids! It’s me, Chef Gazpacho. And I have some bad news to share. It’s my recipes – six of them – they’re…GONE.

  7. Desperate for silk sparrow or sparkling pegasus says:

    TOO EASY! I know all six! If anyone wants to know them tell me in the comments and I’ll tell you. P.S I’m sandy897 if any one want to add me but tell me on webkinz newz so I know who you are.

  8. Char (iamluvinthosewebkinz) says:

    1. tacos
    2. Asparagus
    3. fish stick
    sandwhich maker

    1. Artichoke
    2. Blueberry
    3. durian

    1. waffles
    2. white rice
    3. fudge

    Bean Burrito
    3.baked beans
    sandwhich maker

    Striped marshmellow
    lemon meringue pie

    Fire & Water Sandwhich
    1. dragonfruit
    2. watermellon
    3. bread

  9. webkinz user says:

    Anyone who want’s to be my friend on webkinz, my user name is thebarnstormer. And yes, i know it’s weird. but it’s my favorite ride at disney world. P.S It’s easy to get lost there… I’m not even sure the barn stormer (the ride) is there… It might be at hollywood studios. (another disney park in florida)

  10. mileypenny says:

    If anyone thinks this is a ‘challenge’, say I…. WAIT! I know the awnser. NO ONE.

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