Pet Buddy Design Winners Announced!

It’s time! We took your comments and votes into account and discussed all the fabulous finalists in our Pet Buddy Design Contest before selecting our three winners. The three winners will each be made into an actual Pet Buddy in Webkinz World, which will be available in Ganz eStore.


And here are our three winners. Good job!


1. The Balloon Dog was very popular with our players and we thought it was a clever and creative suggestion for a Pet Buddy that literally floats next to your pet! What could be more perfect than a balloon?

Balloon Dog by mybeemer


2. The Woodland Spirit was such a unique and unusual pet. We loved that beardog8910 took a risk and created something completely exotic and brand new to Webkinz World! It’s sure to make a wonderful companion to your pet!

Woodland Spirit by beardog8910


3. We just loved the idea of an octopus – a sea creature we have yet to see in Webkinz World – so we couldn’t resist Sunshinegirl1605′s sweet drawing. We can’t wait to see our artist’s rendition of this adorable pet buddy!

Octopus by sunshinegirl1605


Congratulations to all the winners and finalists! Look for a message at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by end of day Friday, June 1, 2018.

76 Responses to Pet Buddy Design Winners Announced!

  1. monkeygoal says:

    Good job!!!

  2. FluffyBunnyJr says:

    Yay! The one I voted for was chosen!

  3. beardog8910 says:

    Thank you to everyone who voted and supported my designs! I’m happy to hear that people think Woodland Spirit looks like a Wisp from Brave :) Although he’s not flame-related (queue the leaf on his head ^_^) I can see the color resemblance and supernatural similarities so I get where you guys are coming from, but in all reality I haven’t seen that movie in years and that wasn’t my inspiration. I simply thought of how much I love the Magical Forest and Woodland Wonders in Webkinz and figured he’d be perfect! The wisps from Brave are very cute though so to those of you who thought they looked similar, thank you! I’m honored :) Thank you all for choosing my design!!!

  4. clearcreek6 says:

    When are the webkinz marching band uniforms coming out? They were supposed to come out in May.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Wow! You are right! That was so long ago (September or October, right?) that sadly, I forgot. I wonder if the design team did too. :( I went back and looked at the designs again and they were still awesome, so hopefully someone is working on it!

  5. Beckinz8 says:

    A big congratulations to all of the finalists! You all deserve to have your designs transformed into pet buddies! Congrats to the three designers who were chosen for the honor! I look forward to seeing how they look in WW! Imagine how proud you’ll be when your pet walks around with a pet buddy that YOU designed!! I wish that some of the other designs could still be considered in the future. I had my heart set on a little alien in a UFO zipping around behind my pet! Please don’t throw the other designs away! Maybe you could use them next year? I’m going to need to adopt a red-haired pet now, and name it Merida so it can have a Woodland Spirit floating around!

  6. RhinokinzW3 says:

    Mandy, you know what would be cool if there was a design your own webkinz contest! Do you think there can be one sometime? I have some ideas for webkinz pets :) That would be exciting if a contest like that came soon.

    • Ttgbird14 says:

      Hey RhinokinzW3, they’ve actually done quite a few design your webkinz pet contests before.:) look up tigerlilly pup on webkinz, it’s a designed pet from a player.

      • RhinokinzW3 says:

        oh really! how cool is that!! i guess i never new. I wish i had known before. hopefully they will come out with another contest soon. Thank you for your reply!

      • pinkiecupcake says:

        Whichever player designed that pet, I would like to personally thank them for my puppy, Giselle! I’d also like to thank the designer of the Decade Dragon for my pet David! :) :) :)

      • Beckinz8 says:

        Also the decade dragon, the gargowl, and the axolotl. Go to the Newz Blog tab above, click on recent news, and then type in axolotl. You can read all about this fan designed pet, and its PSI, and PSF. I would love there to be another contest for a fan designed pet, because the talent pool is massive!

  7. W1kinzebra says:

    Great job and congrats winners!! i do love your creations, for they are all lovely! You all did a great job! You all must feel thrilled,for i feel happy for you guys:)

  8. Jaredkinz says:

    Congratulations!! :)

  9. RybaccaRey says:

    Good Job everyone! Even though not everyone was a finalists, I still saw all of the drawings and even if they didn’t look too great, they were still an amazing idea! Still wish my S’mores buddy could have been a finalist but I was still excited about the three winners!

  10. Nattie says:

    I love the ones that were chosen. Each one will have a unique place in Webkinz World. Congratulations to the winners… your ideas were fantastic!

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