Pinky’s Big Adventure Trophy Challenge ON NOW!


Hey there trophy collectors! The Pinky’s Big Adventure Trophy Challenge starts TODAY—but don’t leave it to last minute… You’ll only have until Sunday, May 17th (midnight, Eastern Standard Time), to complete it!



Here’s how to play. Starting TODAY, May 11th, look for the Pinky’s Big Adventure Trophy Challenge icon in your pet’s room. It will be displayed along the left side of the room (web and desktop app only):





Click on the icon to review your tasks. There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight, May 17th (EST) to earn all of the prizes:



  1. Earn 250 KinzCash playing Pinky’s Big Adventure at the Arcade
  2. Spin the Wheel of Wow 4 times
  3. Feed your pet 10 Burgers from the WShop



Help Pinky with their big adventure navigating mazes without running into any bees. Eating junk food slows Pinky down while healthy food speeds them up. If Pinky finds a helmet, it will help to knock out bees for a short period of time.





Complete all of the tasks before time runs out and you’ll win a Banquet Burger, along with a Lunch Pinky’s Big Adventure Trophy Trophy!





Do YOU have any game play tips? Let us know in the comments below!


34 Responses to Pinky’s Big Adventure Trophy Challenge ON NOW!

  1. creek4kids says:

    Has Webkinz done a Solitaire challenge recently?

  2. CATSandBATS says:

    It’s not counting my Wheel of Wow spins for the challenge. :(

  3. kinzklipfan says:

    I LOVE that tiny town!

  4. aa22ll44 says:

    can’t wait to win another trophy!

  5. Quilter says:

    It is hard to win an arcade trophy when you can’t play at the arcade. I have written three emails and commented on here three times. I opened my acount on April 15 and haven’t been able to get on the arcade. Very disappointing.

  6. WebkinzPlayer4563 says:

    Cute trophy! I’m not a huge fan of the game (the bees make me anxious, haha) but I’m going to do my best!

  7. dwtsfan says:

    great game

  8. twdfan says:

    i love this game

  9. ArcanineEspeon says:

    Oh man, I am so excited I’m going to own a Lunch Pinky’s Big Adventure Trophy Trophy! I mean, I have earned a lot of trophy trophies in the past, but this trophy trophy is something else. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a trophy trophy quite like this. It’s even better than all the other trophy trophies in the Lunch Trophy series, and goodness knows there are a lot of Lunch Trophies! In fact, this trophy trophy is such an amazing trophy trophy that I don’t know how I ever lived without a trophy trophy like this!

  10. threehounds says:

    Well I tried to get to level 16 and failed, but it’s ok it was fun going that far.

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