Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

This month is all about style, so we’ve got a fantastic new Peek-a-Newz event for you! Just keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for Hailey Elephant. When you see her, click on her! You’ll be able to win a fantastic clothing item for your pet. There are twelve different items to be won, and you never know which one you’ll get (some items are more rare than others)!

205 Responses to Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

  1. Still Frustrated says:

    Grr . . . still having a hard time. Someone needs to do something about this!

  2. COCONUT LOVER says:


  3. Frustrated says:

    Grr . . . I cannot find her anywhere! Double grr!


    Yesterday i was messsing with my computer and i realized a way on how to find hailey in less than 20 min. this helped me find hailey 3 TIMES PER PAGE! what i had done was make the sreen look smaller, i could barely see the words on the screen. and i could see outside the page and ads. and then was it that i saw hailey OUT OF THE ADS AND PAGE! i will tell you how to do this. if you are using a computer do this: PRESS CTRL AND you know that there is a round scroll button on the mouse, simultaneously presss CTRL AND SCROLL DOWN THE MOUSE UNTIL IT MAKES THE CLICKING SOUND SOUND 2 OR 3 TIMES. if you are using a laptop just minimize the page to 50%. HOPE I HELPED

  5. tlmills says:

    count me in with the others who think this is taking too long. I have been on for an hour and have only seen hailey once and the floating van twice. Why have a contest that everyone can win if it takes so long that most people can’t really win?

  6. littledarlinsunshine says:

    i think this will be a blast. But where do i look? i am so confused what do i do?

  7. symm0nne says:

    One more thing: you have to be patient until all the advertising has loaded: Hailey will be the last thing to appear on a page.

  8. 4eversunshine says:

    Yay!! I got the city chic sunglasses – this was an easy peek a newz

  9. Tootsie says:

    Stacie, I’m sorry you had so much trouble playing Peek-A-Newz. Home page click on Peek-A-Newz round emblem top left on home page. It will take you to Time to play P-A-N scroll below the clothing and click on the square with p-a-n. It will take you to P-A-N Login. After you login you are ready to play. Once you find Hailey, (look around the ads on the right hand-side, on the left side and don’t forget the top of the page) you will go to Peek-A-Newz Congrats, click to continue. I just finished my third acct and it took me fifteen minutes. Every ones time is different. Hope this has helped you .

  10. pebtil says:

    These contest are WAY too hard! I cant sped HOURS sitting here on the computer waiting to see something! >,>

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