Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

This month is all about style, so we’ve got a fantastic new Peek-a-Newz event for you! Just keep your eyes on Webkinz Newz for Hailey Elephant. When you see her, click on her! You’ll be able to win a fantastic clothing item for your pet. There are twelve different items to be won, and you never know which one you’ll get (some items are more rare than others)!

205 Responses to Play Peek-a-Newz and Win!

  1. Click on Hailey and get.... says:

    The website cannot display the page
    HTTP 405
    Most likely cause:•The website has a programming error.


  2. Lucas says:

    We have been on here over 2 days, sitting 3 hours each time and haven’t found Hailey even 3 times. This is supposed to be FUN Ganz, not an endurance contest. One of my children has epilepsy and can’t sit and stare at endless reloads of web pages for hours on end, and people do have homework, chores and a life. We put up with the whole thing gliching all weekend, so now these prizes will only go to those who are home all day or up all night and have 20 hours to sit here? Shame on you

  3. THEOSTUFF IS ANGRY!!!!! says:


  4. natdat says:

    I have been looking for a LONG time and only found it 3 times!!! If you expect people to play this every day, you should only have to find “Hailey” 1 time, or 2 at the most. It’s just not worth it. Maybe if it was something bigger, but with this, no.

  5. 4CAMMIE5 says:

    i agree with the other parents, i spent so much time looking for the elephant and i only saw her once! they should make her appear more often. the time you spend looking for her could be time spent playing on actual webkinz!!!

  6. Sam says:

    Hey, I did the peeknewz & filled out a the info but i still didnt get a prize

  7. KinzDragon says:

    i got it yesterday
    but today it is to hard! i am frustrated :(

    it shou8ld be easier

  8. Whitley says:

    My username is wHITWEB3 if I get alot of friends i will have a party

  9. brandon says:

    I agree with Stacie and princess and coco.wheres Haily.Takes to long to find her. my kids need to go to play outside and have fun. do something to make it better. thank you

  10. Shar says:

    We found Haley yesterday but it took for ever and then never got the prize on either of the kids accounts. Today I found her for both kids and have not recieved any prizes on thier accounts. This is very frustrating and I agree with everyone above, make it easier for the kids and follow through with the delivery. Thanks Ganz.

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