September’s Deluxe Challenge starts today (September 1st) and you’ll love the prizes! Players who complete all 3 tasks will win a Daisy’s Diner Sign as well as a Wish Token:
Click on the Deluxe Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review you tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete your Deluxe Monthly Challenges as some tasks may take some time to complete. This month’s tasks:
- Sign your pet up for any 10 classes at the Kinzville Academy
- Earn 100 KinzCash Playing Eager Beaver Adventure Park in the Games Arcade
- Feed your pet 6 pieces of food from Daisy’s Diner in the Clubhouse

Not a Deluxe Member? Join before the end of the month in order to play September’s Deluxe Challenge!
I love the green color of this sign! It will match the dinner items perfectly!
I know, that green is awesome!!! :D
DEAR WEBKINZ I was just wondering I was doing my challenge and receive food from Daisy Doe. But it does not show up as a turn on my challenge.. Can you tell me what is wrong. Thank You Brumno
You have to feed Daisy Doe’s food to your pet for it to count towards the challenge. Hope that helps!
I was wondering if they can post the name of the food. When it’s received I don’t know what to feed my pet!! Thanks!!
I finished this challenge right away! I spent an hour playing Eager Beaver Adventure Park and not only completed the challenge, but I also won the trophy for this game! Happy Day! I love how the Daisy Doe Diner sign ties in with next week’s player appreciation gift box!
Ooooooooh you are using the ContyKinz copyright.. o_o (P.S. where are you CountryKinz? I miss you 3: …)
IKR!!!! I saw her like 2 months ago…..NOW SHE IS GONE!!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! MY BFF IS MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY!!!!?
demented77 whats going on?
wow, this will go in my dinner, it will be a red and green, normal dinner theme plus the daisy theme, even though I really dislike daisy!
LOL! sounds like a neat dinner place! I don’t really go to daisy’s dinner that often either! but, She’s cool. Yup.
This will go nicely with all the Daisy Doe diner items that we are getting the week of the 7th! :D
I can’t remember but, something is going on the 7th. hmmmmmmm……Park……Ummmmm what is it!?
Isn’t it the beginning of Player Appreciation Week?
hi BrightnSinging2Carrots player appreciation week starts on sept 7
Oh right thx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yur welcome Tails
Cool name MockingJay1963! Wanna friend me? I’m bremer16 on webkinz world.
Thank You lol12345! I really like The hunger Games (can you tell? lol) There is another MockingJay on here too – I’ve seen her a couple of times. Yes, I’ll add you – I’m MockingJay1963 in WW too.
Yup! I already started it by doing 4 Kinzville Academy classes. =]
LOL! I already did 10! Good luck! You got this!
Marg74 i found ya the headband and i sent ya a friend request
CaramelKisses33 i found the purple armchair its called “city skyline armchair” its light purple and its exact same as the mobile app i have the toy box and aside table do ya need those item too? Does it look like this? I have some if ya want? ( It is either in Ino’s room or my Rodeo. I really wish they would fix the invite people to your house. I want to show you my three NEW fav rooms Oats! )
xmy9tailxkinz is that the Link to see your rooms? i wish i can invite ya to my room but i can’t i heard that you can invite friends over when we has parties. i asked Steve Webkinz and he said that they are still working on it.
Nope. it isn’t the link to my rooms. Sorry. But, what the chairs look like….Excuse me I came back from soccer and SMELL!!!!!! GTG
Just the chair, thanks!
ok i’ll send to ya later on
I really wish I could get that b
but I’m not deluxe
Hey I don’t really need the sign how bout’ this : I’ll send the daisy doe sign (if send able ) I don’t need anything but, kinzcash coins! Kay’ I’m my9tail friend me!
Hey guys, This is tails ummmm I got some bad newz……I am leaving webkinz newz Don’t worry I am not leaving webkinz but, webkinz newz. I mean every once in a while I’ll try to type something. but, I am a lil tired. There are bullies ( I mean I feel like people are calling me weird/annoying/or telling people to Ignore my comments. In fact someone said to Ignore my comments.) I LOVE you guys! Have a great YEAR!!! ~Tails for the Last time….Bye….
I will be in the forums…LOL missed that part in the hurry to type!
No one has the right to tell you what to do unless they have your permission to do that. You’re special & your comments are very important to all the people who read them, including me. You’re not weird or annoying at all. I will never ignore you or your comments.
I would love to send you kinzcash coins for that sign (if possible)
As in if possible to send the sign
Aww thats really sweet of you tail kinz! I usally like the prizes though I never get the quests done LOLZ!
Stevebrian, Hey I don’t really need the sign how bout’ this : I’ll send the daisy doe sign (if send able ) I don’t need anything but, kinzcash coins! Kay’ I’m my9tail friend me! thx ~Tails
Perfect! It will be great to have for the diner I’m building with the things they are giving away! YAYYYYY!
Does anyone have the headband that goes with the blue outfit that was on webkinznewz? Please friend me @ snowandlindsey
hi snowandlindsey what colour headband is it?
It’s very cute:) I still haven’t recieved my monthly gift box though :(
hi kingdomheartsnerd do ya have an extra headband? the one that goes with the blue outfit? because i don’t think i have one but i’m going to keep checking.
Uhhh I’ll look cuz I should have one.. Offer?
Does anyone have a top from the blue outfit that was on WKN? (last week floaty clickey)
user name is Lizzie042002
Of course. Deluxe members get the best. It’s never enough for them is it?
OK…..Calm down. Take a deep breath.
Seriously! I remember during February there was an awesome bus bed so that’s why I was excited to get Deluxe Membership. But this is totally lame! What about Daisy doe wallpaper or soda machine!!!!!! >:(