Play the Teacher’s Pet Challenge!










Are you an awesome student? Do you like learning? If so, we’ve got some great news for you: there’s a brand new series of challenges for you to do!  You’ll get to hone your math skills, do a job, and even enter some competitions!  You can find the challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started!  You have as long as you like to complete this challenge – it doesn’t expire!

Before you do the Teacher’s Pet challenges, you must have completed your Key to Kinzville challenges. So if you’re not done those yet, now is a great time to earn that key!

When you complete the Teacher’s Pet challenges, you’ll unlock a couple of new series of challenges. Playing challenges is a great way to earn prizes – and have fun!

238 Responses to Play the Teacher’s Pet Challenge!

  1. PEBBLES007 says:

    I think we should have challenges where we can win a virtual pet of our choice from the ganz estore. that would be really cool. and we can do the challenges as many times as we want so we can get as many viirtual pets as we want.

    does anyone agree with me? please reply to this message if you do.

  2. doglover says:


  3. Veronica says:

    How long is this challenge suppose to go for it. I completed recess this morning before I knew about the challenge and now it won’t take. So now I have to wait 15 days before I do it again!!!! Anyone have any ideas?

  4. ultrasonic says:

    Aw man, I just did recess yesterday. :(

  5. Spikey says:

    I’ve earned the Key to Kinzville but I don’t have the icon in my room :(

  6. steeler86fan says:

    Awww. This is so much fun. I love these challenges. BUt, sadly, I just took my pet to recess last week, so I have to do ten more days of classes to get to finish level 2 of this challenge and more on to level 3. I can’t wait to see what the prizes are !!

  7. steeler86fan says:

    Aw man. I just took my pet to recess last week. I have 10 more school days before I can progress to the third level of this challenge. I do love these challenges, though !

  8. Caligurl says:

    Sweet!!!!!!!!¡ This sounds like fun!!

  9. Fairytaleprincessgirl says:

    This is awesome! I certainly loved the halloween challenges. I’m really excited! I’ll have to do some later! Peace and love, FTPG

  10. fanofthefrog7 says:

    The only problems with these things is they make you spend kinzcash!


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