Play the Teacher’s Pet Challenge!










Are you an awesome student? Do you like learning? If so, we’ve got some great news for you: there’s a brand new series of challenges for you to do!  You’ll get to hone your math skills, do a job, and even enter some competitions!  You can find the challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started!  You have as long as you like to complete this challenge – it doesn’t expire!

Before you do the Teacher’s Pet challenges, you must have completed your Key to Kinzville challenges. So if you’re not done those yet, now is a great time to earn that key!

When you complete the Teacher’s Pet challenges, you’ll unlock a couple of new series of challenges. Playing challenges is a great way to earn prizes – and have fun!

238 Responses to Play the Teacher’s Pet Challenge!

  1. giraffeluva says:

    Mrs.Cowiline Isn’t on my list and she never asks me :(

  2. jackorocket10 says:

    LOL! My mom is a teacher, so I am literally a teacher’s pet!

  3. puppyluver101 says:

    yyyyyyaaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!! i only hav 3 days until i can take a reces. so rite now im stuck on that chalenj.

  4. starrynight says:

    I have Spanish, Painting, Choir, P. E., and Dancing classes at my school. It’s AWE-SOME!

  5. pup+hammylover123 says:

    School is Pretty fun! Every Friday or Monday we barely get homework and math and social studies rock ! not science very much though but you get my point pepper

  6. katieanddora says:

    Ugg!! You have to do recess! I just did recess yestreday!!! N ow I have to wait 15 days!!!!!!!!

  7. katie says:

    what are u talking about school is so much fun

  8. WWEmaniac says:

    for once can the prizes be exclusive,rare deluxe, or pet of the month? please?

  9. WWEmaniac says:

    hey did u now that school stincks but kinzville acadamy rocks

  10. monkeyfive5 says:

    Webkinz is the best I get on it everyday I LOVE WEBKINZ!!!

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