Play the Teacher’s Pet Challenge!










Are you an awesome student? Do you like learning? If so, we’ve got some great news for you: there’s a brand new series of challenges for you to do!  You’ll get to hone your math skills, do a job, and even enter some competitions!  You can find the challenges in your pet’s room. Just click on the icon to get started!  You have as long as you like to complete this challenge – it doesn’t expire!

Before you do the Teacher’s Pet challenges, you must have completed your Key to Kinzville challenges. So if you’re not done those yet, now is a great time to earn that key!

When you complete the Teacher’s Pet challenges, you’ll unlock a couple of new series of challenges. Playing challenges is a great way to earn prizes – and have fun!

238 Responses to Play the Teacher’s Pet Challenge!

  1. kinz18 says:

    Dear spr!!!!!, need to click on things to do button on webkinz
    2.then you need to click on the buton on the top of the map then it will show u what to do
    4. you need to look on the right corner on the bottom middle
    5. you need to click on it and see the things you need to do

  2. ella says:

    what are you talking about! i wish we had homework on week ends and school on weekends holidays and summer by the way I DISLIKE RECESS WE NEED MORE LEARNING!

  3. callie says:


  4. Brigitte The Xtreme says:

    This sounds like alot of fun. And for all of those who are reading, best of luck for all of you and I hope you wish me luck to.

  5. acatsmeow1968 says:

    Challenges are awesome!

  6. haley says:

    i totally love webkinz i have 12 and i have 5 days till recess

  7. Fizzyerin12 says:

    I think schools pretty fun!! im new in my school…………So I get a attention!:):):):):):):):)

  8. sweettooth says:

    I have a nice techer, so school is ok. does any one no how i can do the challenge?

  9. pinkyoshi2004 says:

    Anyone who likes any thing about school (the bus,the recess,the parties,the learning part(ugh),or any thing else Friend Me

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