Plenty of Plush Promotion Starts Today!

View full contest rules here.

143 Responses to Plenty of Plush Promotion Starts Today!

  1. sprinkles505 says:

    Sally I emailed with my subject being contest and then saying in the email plenty of plush promotion I realized that I was supposed to put plenty of plush promotion as the subject and nothing in the email, so I sent another. Was that ok? Or am I disqualifide?

  2. 66mrh says:

    I’ll think about entering the contest. I don’t really enter too many contests. Besides I could never win it anyway. But it does look like fun so maybe. :)

  3. vespurrs says:

    I understand the point of this promotion, but I can’t say I agree with the restrictions on those of us who are already Deluxe. ONE entry? Period? And you can’t even add on to your account for more entries. I spend a lot of time and money on Webkinz and the eStore.

  4. ziggyellie says:

    I am so excited to enter!!!!!! My deluxe membership expires nov 8 perfect timing!!!!!!! p.s I love webkinz!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ilovemoonie says:

    yay! i just got a deluxe membership for the first time ever! i’ve got much to do in webkinz world. i have a question though. when you get a deluxe membership, are you automatically entered into the contest?

  6. dream13211 says:

    Well it’s too bad i’m not deluxe. Well at least there are contests for people who don’t have a deluxe membership! :(

  7. EmeraldCity says:

    Propaganda! Hundreds of posts and replies that were read by me this morning on this topic have been removed! I’m sure this won’t make it either! I asked respectfully legitimate questions which have not been posted or answered. Many interesting posts and questions are no longer there, why bother posting here then when honest, intelligent voices can’t be heard? Very Disappointed!

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Most comments that don’t get approved never appear publicly. We don’t often go back and remove visible comments.

      • EmeraldCity says:

        Alright then where are all the ones that were posted that I read this morning go? I also posted a question to you earlier that did not get posted or answered…

        • Sally Webkinz says:

          I don’t see a question from you in the deleted section, so it appears that it did not submit. The order of the comments have changed slightly, so the newest ones are at the front — have you checked the other pages of comments?

  8. cactuscooler says:

    Sally, I have a question for you. So I do not have a credit card and since the estore does not allow for purchases thru PayPal, I have no means of buying a membership. However, I see that you can buy a code for a deluxe membership that you use to activate your account with on some online selling websites like Ebay and Amazon. If I buy one of those codes and activate/upgrade my account before November 15 for a full year would I still get the 60 entries?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Unfortunately, no. Only Deluxe Memberships purchased from Ganz eStore directly during the promotion period count. It’s not related to when these Deluxe Memberships are activated — only purchased.

  9. clara64 says:

    I think this and other contests are unfair; not only this, but also I can never buy or get really cool stuff at the estore or get a deluxe membership because you can’t do it with a Discover Credit Card; many of us seriously devoted webkins fans are missing out…..very sad, wish something can be done about these things

  10. woofwoof10000 says:

    Not very fair. I already have a deluxe membership. do I get any entries?

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