Podkinz 102: Find Lil’ Fish and a FREE Code!

Michael and Mandy look at the new Marshmallow Collection event prizes, as well as a new event for July – find the Lil’ Fish! Also, there are new Pet Medallion pets and new ways to get them! Finally, get a code for brand new item!


OOPS! The expiry date for the code is listed as September 31. That should be September 30. Sorry for any inconvenience!


Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll know when we release new videos!


Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!


26 Responses to Podkinz 102: Find Lil’ Fish and a FREE Code!

  1. PandaSkittles13 says:

    Wish I could get a free code! XD Would be pretty useful since I still haven’t got a Webkin (Coming next week) Sorry about your code though Julia99, that happened to me on an older account where the code for a Webkin I got didn’t work. I know how you must feel…

  2. Theater8 says:

    Hi Mandy and Michael, I was so surprised that I was feature in the podkinz 102 episode. Thank you so much for answering my questions and reading my kinzpost on podkinz. I have not received a email about my gift. Thank you once again.

  3. puppies4me says:

    @Theater8, I know what you mean about the ads. Do you have your ad-blocker turned on? When I disable my ad-blocker for the Watch and Win videos, almost every time I click on a game, a room, or anything, an ad pops-up. After I watch the allotted 10 videaos per day, I immediately change my ad-blocker back to “block ads on this site”. This isn’t always fool-proof as my granddaughter had her ad-blocker on and continues to get pop-ups all the time on one of her accounts. I have to admit though that at one of the ads convinced me of a product, so as annoying as they are, I can see where they do help support Webkinz! Good luck!

  4. isthisnecessary says:

    Love listening to your podcasts. Mandy’s laugh just makes me happy. Too bad there is nothing to do about getting those ads on paid accounts. Free accounts, that makes sense, but not on paid ones. I have been certainly making money for Ganz while trying to find that pink fish on WKN. Half the pages come up Bad Gateway, despite clearing cache. I loaded the pages 89 times and I finally caught a fish, yet when I put in my account info, that came up Bad Gateway too. :O

  5. KSC says:

    Hi Mandy and Michael! I really loved the new episode of Podkinz! They’re always so much fun. Thank you for the Shark Fin Floaty!

  6. TropicalGirl says:

    Thanks for another great Podkinz, Michael and Mandy, and for the code. I’m really excited for this Li’l Fish event with all the great prizes!

  7. Julia99 says:

    The code shop is insisting this is an invalid code, even though I’ve checked it a dozen times. Now it’s banned me from the code shop for a day!

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