Podkinz 82: Berries, Hats & Glasses, plus a FREE Code!

This episode is all about Berry Fest as Michael and Mandy look at new prizes in Jumbleberry Fields, check out eStore Berry promos and feed Berries to their pets! Then they show off a brand new feature in Webkinz World! All topped off with a Polarberry – a FREE Community Code for Polarberry Pants, that is!


Oops – please note that the Code is for the Blue Polarberry Pants and the pants shown in the Podkinz are the white Polarberry Pants. Sorry for any confusion! To make up for the mix-up we will give away the white ones in an upcoming Podkinz, so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to listen to it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! Do you have some prize ideas for upcoming events?  You can email them to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael talk about them on their next podkinz episode!

58 Responses to Podkinz 82: Berries, Hats & Glasses, plus a FREE Code!

  1. sabster8 says:

    i tried entering this in the code shop and told it was already used. (I’m pretty sure i don’t have these pants.)

  2. Katz1259 says:

    I would really like a set of Mandy’s Magic Berry Jars please!! The prizes she chose were awarded even though it clearly showed she had 0/100 berries. It must be a special Ganz employee perk for a very special Ganz employee!!! Now if I could only find where Mandy got her Jumbleberry hat… so cute!! and it looked awesome with your Polarberry pants!

  3. TropicalGirl says:

    I gotta say, Michael and Mandy, in my book you guys have the best jobs in the world! :)

  4. bashopper says:

    I watched Podkinz #82, about feeding my pets Goo Goo Berries and Polar Berries. I didn’t think I would ever win the Goo Goo Car, but I DID! Thank you for such great prizes.

  5. dinosaurtracker13 says:

    I love Berry Fest! By the way, Ganz, I was wondering when the winning designs of the W Shop item contest would be released. It’s been a long time since we’ve heard anything about them.

  6. greenmagic77 says:

    I like the new improvements on the pet portraits. Mandee looks adorable in that hat! That wallpaper in the jumble berries field room is beautiful! LOL! Mandy you were missing all of the berries! XD

  7. Dot750 says:

    Thanks for the pants and the fun berry feeding! Great job!

  8. 594nat says:

    I feel bad for Mandee, she had to eat like 20 berries! How was she not full? :-) I’ve been playing Webkinz for 5 years, and I never knew that you could win a grand prize from feeding your pet berries. I thought you could only win the juice, pie, and muffin. Thank you for the feature code!

  9. bubbashuka says:

    It’s so cool you won the car!! I loved how that adorable purple hamster peeked and said “can I ask you something?” I don’t know why… But it was so cute! And thanks for the code, the pants are ADORABLE!

  10. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    Berries, berries, so delicious, Googoo Berries, so nutritious, Pickleberries, kinda sour, Sugarberries, such sweet flavour, Moonberries, very rare! Jumbleberries, everywhere! Polarberries, they may be the best, So, come join us for Berry Fest! ;)

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