Podkinz 96: Webkinz Day Countdown and a FREE Code!

In this episode, Michael and Mandy check out some of the fun happenings in Webkinz World in April and give away a free code for a Milk Chocolate Egg. Plus take the Community Challenge to watch the video 3,000 times and earn a free code for a Webkinz Day Loot Bag!


Missed the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll know when we release new videos!


Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you with a code for a special prize!


55 Responses to Podkinz 96: Webkinz Day Countdown and a FREE Code!

  1. megamom12 says:

    I need to see how much that Spring Shepherd is. I just might get one.

  2. megamom12 says:

    I had to laugh at myself because every time something went floating accross Mandy’s screen I would jump to try to catch it!

  3. marnabear1 says:

    I heard from others about what’s going on. I am hard of hearing and have trouble understanding the podkinz. Usually they have captions but this one does not. Please do what you can to always make captions available for people like me. I know some of the words come out funny but it sure helps.

  4. bubbashuka says:

    I cannot wait for all of these awesome things that are going on!!! :D So fun.

  5. Randomgirlforever says:

    Yay! I can’t wait to meet you guys! :D

  6. animalmomkls says:

    Awesome Podkinz episode! There are so many fun activities coming up. Going to watch this one again, and get a calendar and make notes. I don’t want to miss anything. Thanks for all the great info Mandy and Michael! Also, thanks for the chocolate egg code. Can’t wait to see what prize I get. Happy Webkinz Day!

  7. greencar says:

    You guys are having way too much fun!!! Loved the podcast and the spring shepherd! Hope we win the loot bags! Thanks for the community challenge-they are always fun!

  8. AUNT09 says:

    This sounds really nice ! Thank you ganz. We will never get into the trading room for one of your sign posters. They never leave that room. That’s there hang out ! Hope to you find all of you in another room or park on a certain day to get one of each of your sign posters. Good luck to everyone.

  9. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    How many estore points will the Spring Shepherd be? It is an adorable pup, and I would love to own it, but I can’t if I don’t have enough points! Will it be one of those 100,000+ pets, or a 10,000-30,000 pet? Thank you!

  10. ImaPepper says:

    Hi, Mandy and Michael–great Podkinz episode! I have a question about the find the ads event, though. Was the reason so many players couldn’t find the ads during the last event ever found? I hope this next event works properly; it was unfortunate that so many players got left out of the last one. Looking forward to a fun April–Happy Webkinz Day!

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