Podkinz Ep 144: Veggie Fest!

In this episode, Mandy and Michael sneak peek Veggie Fest and show off all the prizes you’ll be able to win during the event. Make sure you watch the whole episode, because at the end, they give away a free code for a Wacky Trophy Pedestal!


Congratulations jimmio1, suzette424, flu9082, jazzsolo and Mom_of_two! You have been randomly selected as Webkinz Apple Farm Barn giveaway winners! Please check your inbox for an email that will explain how to get your barn.


Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch to it now!


Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll know when we release new videos!


Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com. Who knows, you may hear Mandy & Michael read your email on their next Podkinz episode… and if they do, they’ll email you a code for a special gift!


352 Responses to Podkinz Ep 144: Veggie Fest!

  1. Ndume2004 says:

    I can’t wait for Veggie Fest. Great new seeds.

  2. lovefrozenstars says:

    Can’t wait for this new event! So excited about the new seeds and recipes!

  3. ringneck1 says:

    I am SOO excited for veggie fest and all the cool prizes! So nice to see new recipes and vegetables. What a fancy coincidence I asked Fiona about new farm fresh recipes a couple weeks ago. ;P

  4. gizleo says:

    The barn is really cool!

  5. alexutzy97 says:

    Hi, Webkinz Team! I have had my account since 2009. A lot of things have changed through the years but the lovely feeling that Webkinz gives me every time I login. I came back playing after a quite long time and I must say that for the least seven months I have been playing everyday. We are living hard times now and Webkinz has been a peaceful and fun place for us to come to, rely on, communicate and make new friends on. I care about my webkinz house and I love my pets as if they were real. I also played so many times WackyerZ haha and won so many adorable prizes. I would love to take this chance to thank you soooo much for all your great efforts!!! This new event is going to be soo AWESOME!!! I am so excited for thease new veggies and I am looking forward to create a full gardens, feed my baby pets and prepare delicious foods <3 You have so many cool ideas and I would love to help WTeam and Estore Team at least a tiny bit by participating to your design content next time. <33 I wanted to say thank you for the generous giveaway you are doing!! Good luck everyone and stay safe! <3 Sending hugs and kisses your. With love, alexutzy97.

  6. rocketdogdolly says:

    So excited for veggie fest, I would really love to win the barn!!

  7. rschales says:

    Thank you webkinz team for all the hard work on so many wonderful prizes and events. I am Super excited over Veggie Fest, new seeds, and new recipes. The Barn is absolutely fantastic :)

  8. boggangirl1 says:

    I am so excited for veggiefest. There are so many items I can’t wait to collect! The barn is adorable.

  9. colagirl7 says:

    Sounds interesting and fun looking forward to veggie fest!! Hopefully I win the barn!

  10. krussell01 says:

    I am so excited for Veggie Fest!! Growing Garden Seeds are my favorites. I can’t wait for the chance to earn a lot more of them!! Thank you!!

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