Podkinz Ep. 17: Happy Birthday!




Hosted by Gennelle Webkinz, this podcast is about all things Webkinz! Each episode has a theme and we chat about everything – favorite pets, awesome items, current and upcoming Webkinz events, and more! For fans who want an inside look at Webkinz World, we also feature interviews with Ganz staffers and put a spotlight on different areas in Webkinz.


Most importantly, though, Podkinz is all about YOU. Tell us what you’d like us to talk about in the podcast! There are so many ways to get in touch with us to send us your comments, suggestions and questions:


  • In the comment section under each podcast on WebkinzNewz.com
  • On Facebook or Twitter (remember to hashtag your question/comment/suggestion with #podkinz)
  • By email at podkinz@ganz.com
  • By snail mail:


60 Industrial Parkway
Cheektowaga, NY


Your submission might be read on the show!






Matt joins Gennelle as a special co-host and we talk about birthdays, parties, and birthday parties! 


What’s In Our KinzPost?: Our readers seem to have the MOST fun on their birthdays! We read some of their celebratory stories.


Spotlight: We chat about how you can celebrate your birthday OR your pets’ birthdays in Webkinz World!


What’s Next: Our upcoming episode is all about building things from scratch. Have you ever built something from nothing? Share your experiences with us! We also chat to a very special guest who knows a thing or two about this very topic.



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148 Responses to Podkinz Ep. 17: Happy Birthday!

  1. CrazyCatCrib says:

    aw! good-bye, Mike! good luck in whatever you do next!

  2. Melody_Dixon says:

    One time I built an easel for my mom,who loves painting! I honestly can’t blame her! We STILL use that easel,and the funny thing is it’s three years old now! Another time,when we were moving I built her a crate for her HUGE statue. I came with us to our new house with out harm.

  3. monster_high says:

    I don’t have social network sites so how can i get involved in the one pet challenge?

    • playnowpuppy says:

      If u are talking about #One Webkinz World then this Is my answer, If u do not have a social media account then u can still post pictures on the share center and when u click #One Webkinz World and then click updates u will see there are many challenges such as surveys that will count as one point too! I hope this helps I know how u feel I don’t have a social media account either so It’s great that people like u and me can still perticapate :)

  4. Lisamarie580 says:

    ive never made anything……… except lps clothes out of play dough but that failed miserably XD But bascically no dont touch the stuff

  5. Lisamarie580 says:

    ww…..wwh…….wwhh……WHAT!?! HES GONE!?! NOOOOOOOO!! oh well yay crash and bernstien!

  6. iloveolaf2014 says:

    happy birthday…i came back from vacation and ppl told me mike quit! :’( he used to talk to me in kinz chat plus and also he had banana battles with me! i miss you mike!

  7. BlairWebkinz says:

    My last big project was building an outdoor pond for my goldfish. I really enjoyed doing it. Digging the hole myself was the hardest part, but I decorated it with stuff I found around the yard & it’s a great addition to my yard. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t1.0-9/1969339_730314710361419_7018263379495021381_n.jpg

  8. Galaya says:

    Ooh I’ve played glow in the dark mini golf before! On my pets b day I invite friends and play games with my pet! Also thanks for doing podkinz while you did Mike! Thanks for stepping up Matt!

  9. mamakins says:

    Best wishes to Mike Webkinz on whatever he is doing now. He will be missed.

  10. prprprprp says:

    Mike is…GONE??!!!?? NOOO!!! Hm, is that why he never sends me marshmallows any more, or does he still go on Webkinz? *Sigh* Can I add you to my friends list then Matt? As Gennelle said, you are the closest you can get to a Mike when you don’t have one! (except she did not say exactly that) What is you username Matt? I’m pupcakes88 if you want to add me, if not, just tell me your username! :-D I have built things before, to answer the question! I have once built a small table for my younger sibling to use as a drawing desk, out of just a few chunks of wood! I also made a purse out of some scraps of fabric, a hat and matching scarf out of some yarn, a doll out of some clay, yarn, paint, and fabric, a cup out of clay, a working radio out of a bunch of electrical equipment that I bought at Radio Shack and off of internet stores, I made lots of drawings of animals, furniture, people, webkinz, and more, I made paintings too, a rubber ball out of two chemicals, a light-color splitter, and more! I’m a very DIY-ey person! LOL! At least, when it comes to crafts and stuff that is. I don’t do house renovations, sorry! LOL! Anyway, great Podkinz episode, though much shorter than usual. Oh and, what ever happened to the Webkinz Arcade thing? That was just added! Really new! I wonder what happened…Oh and, please, Matt and Gennelle (if Matt is a permanent co-host) could you feature my comment (minus the stuff about ‘NO MIKE!!!???!!’ and ‘what happened to arcade’ and stuff) in your next Podkinz episode! That was great how you featured JaneOfAllTrades’ comment! I read and answered that! It would be great if you could do that for this comment too! I LOVE PODKINZ! <3 :D

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