UPDATE: The Magic W event ended early on Webkinz Classic, but FIND OUT how you can still claim the Sweetheart Flower Shop grand prize at Webkinz Newz on Valentine’s Day!
Sally Webkinz and Dorothy Lou join Mandy and Michael to sneak peek the new Sugar Rush Season on Webkinz Next! At the end of the episode, they give away a code for a Webkinz Classic Sweetheart Window!
Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!
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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.
Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.
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I haven’t been able to go mining on Next since the update. Is there a problem with the mines? or is it just my account? I cannot collect any slag for the event (or gems). Is there something I can do to fix this issue?
Hi BubbaC, Sally answered my question on a different post, but in case you are looking back at this one, she told me to go to the Curio Shop and click on Amanda. She said there may be a gem stuck in the process of being sold, but she also said, click on her even if you do not see a gem with Amanda and then try mining again. It worked for me. Hope it works for you. Have a great day.
Yep, that worked
I am so glad it worked for you too!
thank you webkinz I love the window!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sad to see that poor little neglected pet in that account shown! Not only is the heart meter down to 0, but also the hunger and happiness! No surprise that you don’t care about improving the way we can make our pets happy.
To be fair, these are testing accounts on testing servers. We have so many, it would be impossible to maintain them all.
I just spent 20 minutes at the adoption center and everyone seems to ne having trouble signing up. so much for staying the hour when you don’t even know if your playing
You would think if the entire Podkinz was about Next, we would have received the window for Next,not classic
Is there going to be a Next code too? If so when? birdfolks
There is a Next code for a love lamp. I don’t think I have ever seen a next code on the podkinz videos though