Podkinz Video – Vacations Demo In Webkinz Next!


Karl, the Creative Director of Webkinz, joins Mandy and Michael to give a demo of an exciting new feature being released on Webkinz Next! At the end of the episode, they give away codes for a Webkinz Classic Fall Fair Apron & Hat!



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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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37 Responses to Podkinz Video – Vacations Demo In Webkinz Next!

  1. rosevillepottery1 says:

    This feature is so amazing!! The Podkinz was incredibly fun and helpful in showing us how the vacations work. (Thank you, Karl, Michael, Mandy!) Everything about this is feature SO FUN and so well done: that gorgeous ocean! that yacht!! those adorable fishies, and the outdoor restaurant serving those yummy meals…..I can’t wait to take my pets away! We all need a vacation in my family, LOL, and I think I will probably enjoy it more than my pets do. LOL I can’t imagine all the hard work, both artistically and technically, that went into creating this fabulous feature. Thank you, Webkinz! Webkinz Forever!!!!

  2. 100dogs says:

    AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH. You must have spent to much time on this. To let people go on vacation with there family. I have been waiting ever since the Sneek peek of vacations THANK YOU!!!

  3. LadyBeauty says:

    The Fishing experience reminds me of the freshwater fishing in Amazing World without the yacht. I never did catch Steve, but did get all the other rare, uncommon, and common fish from Amazing World and had fish tanks all over my properties! LadyBeauty

  4. 100dogs says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I just saw this.

  5. TropicalGirl says:

    I wonder if Debbie Dragon will be the travel agent again? Long-time Classic players (like me!) might still remember her :)

    • kalcan8 says:

      I think she was before my time, but I’ve heard lots of good things, so I hope that I will get the opportunity to meet her someday!

    • KarenaJ says:

      Oh darn, I must have missed her on Classic as a kid, or else I just don’t remember her! But I do remember leaving by plane to go on vacation, unless I dreamed that up. The Vacation on Next seems awesome. Love the idea of the whole family going together and the deep sea fishing is awesome! Our last family vacation we did the dolphin boats but next time I want to fish myself!

  6. maryannwood58 says:

    So much fun. Thanks!

  7. fancyduck58 says:

    This is so beyond cool- can’t wait to try it!!! What a great idea! :)

  8. kalcan8 says:

    My real life family (who are all home sick today; I’m the only one who is well at the moment) all wonder what on earth is going on with me. I was watching the video, and when I saw the webbies on the airplane, my jaw hit the floor and I couldn’t stop laughing, clapping and exclaiming how surprised I was, and how awesome everything looks. The menu and the family dining table blew me away. I basically had to keep picking my jaw back up off the floor throughout the entire video. AND, I can go fishing with my webbies and no one has to get sea sick! Thank you Karl and your fellow WW wizards! *dabs happy tears*

    • kalcan8 says:

      Okay, I just took my unicorn herd on vacation, and let me tell you, my webbies vacation better than I do! LOL! We swam, we dined, we bought souvenirs and a cold treat, we fished (and actually caught fish!), and captured a group photo to preserve the memory of our first family vacation. AND, it was extra realistic because my baby was tired and cranky the whole time! Haha! My webbies are all going to need to get paying jobs, because I can picture my hard earned savings sailing out to sea. LOL! I have a couple of questions: How do I change pets while they are fishing? Do I have to fish with the baby pet to try to get an aquarium? How much family score do we need to get each day to earn the free vacation? (I saw the meter behind the welcome desk, but is there a target number?) Thanks to the whole design team for all the hard work that it must have taken to bring this activity to Next! We really appreciate it!!

      • sally says:

        There’s no way to change the active pet while on Vacation, so you won’t be able to switch the active fishing pet. The baby just has to be on the vacation with you for a chance to win an aquarium (it’s only a chance, though — not guaranteed). 100 Family Score for a free vacation.

        • kalcan8 says:

          Sally Webkinz, I haven’t taken the time to tell you lately how much I appreciate you. You’re always ready with the inside scoop in a timely fashion. I’m going to go experiment to see what I need to do to earn 100 Family Score on one of my side accounts. Wish me luck!

          • kalcan8 says:

            Is everyone else having sleepy, cranky vacation babies, or is it just me? Two accounts, two grumpy babies so far. You should see the group photo – 4 happy webbies, and 1 baby who’s ready for bedtime. It’s hysterical!

          • kalcan8 says:

            Arrr! Third time be the charm! Finally a happy baby on vacation! And the little tyke be winning an aquarium souvenir to boot. Arrr matey! Get ye to the island to enjoy some Rrrrr&Rrrrr! ;-)

          • kalcan8 says:

            Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

      • TropicalGirl says:

        Thanks for sharing your vacation experience, kalcan8. It sounds so fun! I was wondering how hard it would be to catch a fish, so maybe about as hard as finding a gem in the mines. AND now we know the extra surprise for fishing with a baby. :)

      • rosevillepottery1 says:

        I’m so glad you shared with all of us how wonderful your vacation was! It sounds like your unicorn herd really had so much fun swimming, fishing, dining, and buying souvenirs. (That’s a better vacation than I’ve had in real life in years! LOL) LOL about the baby being cranky the entire time. Too funny–yes, that is definitely realistic! I appreciate your feedback about your vacation very much!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. Msamommy says:

    I’m still a die-hard fan of Classic (decorating rooms, the huge house you can create and how you can move them around etc. is far better), but this is SO cool! I love the vacation idea, and all the prizes. The artwork is absolutely stunning as well. Great job Webkinz!!!

    • rosevillepottery1 says:

      Classic will always be my first love, because I enjoy decorating so much, too. I’ve been playing since 2006, and I’ve turned my “huge house” into a huge town of Kinzville. (I love the ability to move the rooms around) It has taken me YEARS to create My own personal Kinzville on all three of my Classic accounts. But it has been SO MUCH fun, and I continue to enjoy working on it, and changing things with the seasons and holidays. I give the Webkinz team so much credit for coming up with the vacation feature in Next. That’s going to be so much fun! And I agree with you, the artwork truly is stunning. That ocean!! It was actually relaxing just watching it in the Podkinz. Webkinz Classic and Next are definitely my Happiest Places!

  10. TropicalGirl says:

    Next Vacations looks absolutely amazing! I love everything about it…the family mealtime, fishing excursion, and really feeling like you’re on vacation. Thanks for the demo Michael, Mandy, and Carl!

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