Podkinz Video – Webkinz Votes 2024


Sally and Steve join Mandy and Michael for a special Webkinz Votes 2024 episode of Podkinz. Learn about each Mayoral Candidate and find out what their campaign promises are. At the end of the episode, the Podkinz crew give away a code for a Webkinz Votes 2024 Banner that you can display in your pet’s room on Webkinz Classic!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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49 Responses to Podkinz Video – Webkinz Votes 2024

  1. granma4 says:

    I’m for Arte all the way. I love new themes in his shop. Love finding the rare items.

  2. hajilee says:

    In the decade or so I’ve lived in Webkinz World, I never got the crown of wonder, and even I can acknowledge Arte is my boy! #Arte2024

  3. cowtown2 says:

    love this theme, so nice, like the diner or the pizza parlor look, I have a question I have asked other players but no one seams to know, I guess, when we send things from next to classic , do we have to do both like spend the gem amount and the cash amount it wants to copy or can we pick, is it like if you have the money use it, or if you have the gems or Dimond you can use it now both ? can you help I was afraid to try it, saving my gems, for another pet, please someone help?

  4. megamom12 says:

    It’s not going to be an easy decision. I really like all of the candidates. While I’m excited about Debbie Dragon coming back, I think that I’m more interested in her running the Travel Agency on NEXT. Not only will it be nice to have Sofie back in town, but….recipes…that appeals to me. Goober has done a wonderful job, and I’m not opposed to a second term. Arte, nice move appealing to all of the decorators in the community. The one thing that I ask, is that if you plan on retiring a theme to make room for a new one, that we have a heads up and some time to collect as many pieces as we can before it leaves. I’m still trying to find Soccer and American Football pieces.

  5. roofusfuzzybum says:

    YAY ARTE!! you have my vote. my Webkinz crush!!

  6. TropicalGirl says:

    Such an interesting group of candidates!

  7. 1pop12 says:

    Arte all the way!!!

  8. spotsofbeauty says:

    I think Goober has my vote. I love the new items and would like another mega challenge!

  9. Nickelcat says:

    Will we be able to add Debbie Dragon and Sophia Souffle to our friends list to send them things and ask for their help in collecting items for challenges?

  10. Nickelcat says:

    I am definitely voting for Arte! I would love a new rare theme!

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