Podkinz Video – Year 20 Preview & Leprechaun Event!


Watch Podkinz for exclusive sneak peeks and to learn about upcoming events on Webkinz Classic and Webkinz Next! At the end of today’s episode, the Webkinz staff give away a free code that you can enter at the Code Shop on the Webkinz Classic Desktop app, to unlock a gift for your pet!



Miss the last episode of Podkinz? CLICK HERE to watch it now!


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Send Mandy and Michael your questions and ideas for the show! You can email your ideas to podkinz@ganz.com.


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44 Responses to Podkinz Video – Year 20 Preview & Leprechaun Event!

  1. FoxesRule612 says:

    Wow!!! I am so so excited for all this!! The Canada Goose is ADORABLE, and I love its PSI and PSF, and the new room theme??? oh my gosh, it’s so elegant and beautiful and I love the colors!! I do hope that we will get more items for the new theme than just the banquet stuff, though. It would be awesome to have items like a bed and stuff like that, a place where our 20 year tigers can sleep! Also I love that the tiger looks exactly how it was designed!! I can’t wait to see its PSI and PSF!

  2. glamor759 says:

    Kind of disappointed in the 20 year room theme, it looks like a banquet hall..I was more hoping for a bedroom set. This looks so stiff and too formal. I thought maybe we’d get something more fun and colorful. Hopefully you’ll include a better theme to purchase with estore points.

    • tofuboii123 says:

      personally I hope there’s a bedroom theme for kinzcash to make it accessible and tradeable!! Plus a bonus estore set! At the very least, I really REALLY hope the estore set will be tradeable. this limited time set would be excellent trade fodder and they would sell more if people could stock them for later trading!

    • FoxesRule612 says:

      I understand…BUT I think it’s nice to have something different for a change. We got a bedroom set for the 10th anniversary and we also had one for the Superfan theme.

  3. holomermaid says:

    I hope the tiger will look a little bit less disjointed and like a clay figure– and more fluffy and seamless in the final product. I would also love bigger paws. Please give us bedroom furniture!!! I beg! It feels very incomplete having 3 tables but not single one bed, dresser, or night console. Thanks for taking my requests. Everything looks great.

  4. puppyluv9063 says:

    I absolutely love the room theme. I am so excited for the Canada Goose and I love its PSI! I am excited for the St. Patrick’s day gifts, and I am excited for the crown prize. I am so happy Webkinz is still thriving, and I am excited to celebrate! I’ve been playing for most of the years!

  5. iloveoreo123 says:

    I love this room theme, I think a lot of these items will be useful integrated with our other kitchen deisgns, especially the warming plate and flowers! Will there be another cozier room theme too? More similar to the 10 year theme so that our tigers have somewhere festive to sleep?

  6. stinkypete says:

    As always, tysm for the all the info in the podkinz (: I am very excited for april!

  7. hlfbkdfae says:

    I am so excited, the month of April has got so much going on. As usual, thank you guys for all you doto bring us fun with these games!

  8. jonquilles says:

    The 20th anniversary is going to be fantastic! Will there be a 20th room theme similar to the 10th anniversary added to the W shop for the month?

    • dawnshome says:

      maybe it’s the one shown in the podcast? at the beginning?

    • goldschool says:

      I hope there is more to it too, I was really looking forward to a bedroom to match my tiger!

    • kalcan8 says:

      Yes, the beautiful room in the beginning of the Podkinz will be available in Classic and Next from April 1-May 31. It seems to include the extended wallpaper, flooring, balloon columns, floral arrangements, round table, head table, buffet tables (which Michael Webkinz pointed out are actually storage), pedestals, and perhaps the fancy podium. I am so thankful to be in a different place financially with my KC than I was for the 10th anniversary. I look forward to being able to buy as many theme pieces as I want this time around. If the 10th anniversary room theme ever came back, I would snap up more pieces, particularly the cute kitchen pieces. Happy 20th Anniversary, Webkinz World!!

  9. Remmierem says:

    Not a huge fan of how the tiger looks in nexts style. The model looks good, but something about his texture,,, hes so.. smooth? Looks like play dough rather than a fuzzy pet like the tea cup yorkie or wolf. He looks unfinished to me

  10. 7debbie7 says:

    So Happy & Very Excited For he Canada Goose Pet Medallion Event! Thanks So Much Ganz For All The Fun In WW!

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