Pokémon™- Black Kyurem

Coming soon!

To find out more about Nintendo Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 please visit the Official Pokemon website!

231 Responses to Pokémon™- Black Kyurem

  1. isabella says:

    I love pokemon and the pokemon that you are telling us looks pretty cool! :)

  2. 154maddyss says:

    WOW a poke ball that is for boys as you ca’nt see i am a girl but thnx anyway

  3. Ashley says:

    I really hope I get it!

  4. harry says:

    i like pockemon!!!!!

  5. Calsno says:

    Ganz.. thank you for having pokemon… BUT please please find a way to have the teenage mutant ninja turtles… Like maybe you can buy the turtles (with mask) as pets….. (for 10 thousand estore points)!!!!!!

  6. james lovethe says:

    how does this work? Do you actually get the games? If so, I sooo want to.

  7. Smashing Pumpkins says:

    u mean theres gonna be a new pokmon pet?! if so thats totally wild!!

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