Pokémon™- Black Kyurem

Coming soon!

To find out more about Nintendo Pokémon Black Version 2 and Pokémon White Version 2 please visit the Official Pokemon website!

231 Responses to Pokémon™- Black Kyurem

  1. Webkinz Member says:

    i don’t have DS ;(

  2. whydid says:

    I am a pokemon fan and I love them!

  3. dollygirl14 says:

    OH yay Pokemon!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. sunnygirl says:

    i love webkinz and allso i have that pokemon in card and i want the ds game

  5. brian says:

    Sounds great!

  6. bluebuddy5424 says:

    this sounds like it is the most awsome thing i hope it is. from what they say i bet is going to be the best thing ever!!!!!

  7. harrison says:

    i riley like pokemon

  8. bajaking says:

    I got to check it out

  9. adsplease says:

    i hope get it

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