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Webkinz Love Puffin and Flora, MAZIN Hamster are coming together for great savings! Don't miss out on the opportunity to purchase two of the hottest sellers this month for one cool bundled price of only 12,500 eStore Points! That's right! A Webkinz Online Pet AND a MAZIN' Hamster for just 12,500 Points! Unbelievable!
Join Ganz eStore Thursday, February 10, 2011 between 11am and 2pm
to take advantage of this spectacular offer*!
*Offer valid between 11:00am to 2:00pm Thursday, February 10, 2011 (EST).
i love those petS!!!! but why would they name a haert hamster cinnomin.
Is it in stores?I want to now at webkinx word!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!
I am sad about this bundle because I purchased the love puffin when it first came out. Now there is a bundle where you get the hamster for free. I would have loved to have the hamster for free. I do not want another puffin so I will not be getting the hamster now too. I am happy for others who got to get this great deal. My wallet is happy also because I will not be spending as much at the e-store now that I know I will feel bad about it later. Thanks.
yes, the mazin hamster is in stores, i promise it is at Justice.
Okay maybe this is just me but i think u need to take a break on the e store for a bit because alot of people r very sad that they r being left out. I mean just think about it do u really want people to be unhappy at what u r doing? just think about for longer than 2 seconds!
does anyone else agree with me?????????????????????
please reply back and frwnd me: carle99
This looks so cool .To bad I don’t have a hamster so I might not get them it looks so cool though.
It would have been nice if the estore would have honored Flora to the members who already purchased their Love Puffins. I bought it as soon as it came out. There has never before been a bundle like this where a pet gets a hamster for free. This could cause future sales for the estore.
It doesn’t work for me because i don’t want the love puffin but I want the hamster. Why can’t there be other bundles like a betta fish and a flora hamster bundle?
It doesn’t work. It keeps saying “The item you selected is currently not available for sale.” I’ve cleared my cache, gone back in, tried again, even logged in, it doesn’t work!
ohhhh i don’t care you know why cuz i would still wast my mony thats why
Welcome to Mistclan! This clan will be more like Skyclan than one of the four Clans. To join all you have to do is give a kit or apprentice name. Or, you could choose to be a medicine cat apprentice! When you come for about a week, then you get to choose your warrior name. You can be an elder, too. Then you can complain about the weather and tell stories of long-ago battles. :) I will give more information later. :)
We will be able to visit Silverclan…if we can find where it is!!!!! :) (Silverclan is Silverstar’s clan.)
Hey, look up August 2009 Recap. That is where you sign up! -Silverstar
Balletlover, I need you! Darkclaw is taking over! He posted in my name saying I am backing down to a Warrior! Please help me! Please balletlover! I am crying in real life. Someone coppied me 1 month ago. Warriors is one of the only things that actually matters to me! Without my clan I feel like nothing. Please bellet lover, please help me! I beg! Please help me, Silverstar
Okay. We can be co-leaders, I guess, since nobody seems to be coming here. This is our private leaders’ conference place. I think peopple are hacking because you a being a tad bossy (Just a tad-sorry!) so you can either a) start a new clan in a new place and let darkclaw impersonator take over yours or b) I think that we don’t need to have “battles” with other clans. these clans can be kind of like skyclan. that way we don’t have to be mad at each other. c) Try to figure out who impersonated you and I can lead the clan while you’re gone. Don’t post to anyone HERE is where we me becse we will confide private leader stuff. :)
That was supposed to be a frown. :(
My idea: Start a new Clan under: Summer recap. There’s only one comment. It will just be the two of us, so nobody can do something bad to our Clan. Please, do not advertise on more recent posts telling people to go there. If they discover it they can join but no advertising. I’m just sad that can’t have a skyclan-like clan. :( We can play multiple characters and not have to be betrayed. Please ignore my othe comment and read this one. :(
Hey guys I was wondering, what am I going to do, and who will be my mentor?
This is the leader’s comment page, I suppose. This is where you join the Clan. When Silverstar checks these comments out, we will go to Summer 2009 recap and start the Clan. That will be where we do Clan activities. (Warrior ceremonies, etc.) Check back here every few days, I will inform you when we start the Clan. Glad you want to join! Sorry we won’t start it right away.
I am sorry, Robinwing. But Darkclaw didn’t do it and my clan is back to normal. . . -Silverstar
Hey, I was thinking, the clans need a place for gatherings! The clans I know of are : Silverclan ( mine) Mistclan and Rainclan. I am pretty sure that Pantherwhisker has a clan too. Well , I will look for an empty place and invite the other clans later! -Silverstar
Greetings silverclan and mistclan, have you found a gathering place yet, i have been looking to but i dont think i found one, hopefully we find one soon and i am still looking for cats, it is hard finding more, when there are so many different clans. Haha anywAy hope we find one soon and if you foun one tell me please thanks!!
Hello Willowstar! I suggest you comment as Willowstar as a show of authority. Just a tip. But hey, I found a new place! ( For the gatherings! ) The gatherings will be on the search: Communal Contest page and look for a page that has 1 comment. That is where the new gathering spot will be! Please check in at 6: 55 and have your clan ready! The gathering will be 7:05 to 7:25! Ok? -Silverstar
I’m the one who suggested Summer recap.
Who do I mentor?
Hey, great news! I just did the apprentice ceremony for Yellowkit and Maplekit and you are mentor of Yellowpaw! I am mentor of Maplepaw now! My comment should show up by now! -Silverstar
INTRUDERS! Some MistClan Warriors are stirring up trouble.
Waht do us Warriors do?
I will mentor MaplePaw.
His Warrior ceromony is right now he is MapleLeaf.
How do I mentor Him?
NO! I mentor Maplepaw. He isn’t a warrior right now. He is an apprentice! -Silverstar
Hey, Darkclaw. Yes I know an intruder. Meet me in the Love Puffin, Love is in the air. We need to talk not in Enemy Territory. -Silverstar
I’m DarkSTAR. Why can’t I mentor MaplePaw?
How do I mentor?
Fine, I’ll metor YellowPAW. They are still apprentices. Teach him/her how to claim territory and how to react to other clans comnign and what to do if we are invaded. -Silverstar
Can I have a mentor? and um like… meow?
I would like to be a medicine cat please please please please please please please please please please PLEASE!!!!
Yah, know Darkclaw. Yes, I called you Darkclaw! I, as first clan leader, ahve the power ! You are being bossy and this is unsafe for a clan! -Silverstar
Great thanks for telling me i will be there!!!
Ok i need help there are so many communal contest pages i dont no which one to go to!!!! Please help thanks
Hi Balletlover. I suggest that you go by your leadername. Well I just wanted to say that Silverclan iss very well and is getting a ton of more members! We have so many kits we could give them away and still ahve plenty left, but of course we wouldn’t do that. -Silverstar
I would like to join your clan but were do i go for clan meetings and such?
also can I be named rosekit and become a medicine cat later? thanks! reply soon!
-Rosepaw (for now)
I am sorry, I have gotten 2 other cats sad because I already have medicine cats. The only way you can join is be a kit. -Silverstar
is there any possible way to be a medicine cat in any clan at all? That’s not fair i think I am going to cry :______( I am sad. fine, I will be a kit, but I think I would make a horrible warrior… and I am just saying… :_____(
No you wont! When you are a Warrior there will most likely be an opening for medicine cat! Well, you might have to change your name, is that OK? Is there anyway you could be one of Streamstone’s kits? -Silverstar
I have a medicine cat apprentice opening, greetings i am willowstar of rainclan and if you still want the spot type in summer deluxe recap then scroll down to comments that is my clan