Webkinz Webcomic: Show a Loved One You Care!

Show a loved one you care this Valentine’s Day!
Deluxe Membership plans are available at Ganz eStore!
Superhero Costumes Coming Soon!

272 Responses to Webkinz Webcomic: Show a Loved One You Care!

  1. Webkinz User says:

    I like the comic idea but, I think it could have bin better.

  2. me says:

    Why doesn’t webkinz world make us happy by stopping all the special treatment memberships get?!!!

  3. b-magic says:

    Hmmm…Not Bad, but I still think that it’s a way to get money. I’m not deluxe, so I shouldn’t be talking, but still. THAT WAS CHEESY!!:-((

  4. JJ:) says:

    i’m sorry but that comic was lame. at first i thought it was gonna be really cute but then i scroll down and the first thing i see is an ad for deluxe membership! that totally ruined it. :(

  5. kenni says:

    make it longer.

  6. minkz says:

    that was just a way to get more money
    they use something people want to know, just to promote their deluxe membership to earn more money

  7. Kelsey says:

    That was super cute and sad because when people got gifts she didn’t and it was cute because there were animals dressed in costumes.

  8. julia says:

    This is not certainly not the best comic. Some parents may not be able to afford “deluxe”. As a parent i don’t won’t my child to feel left out. So i got deluxe. My child was happy but i was very upset so please don’t advertise this stuff. i have to pay bills and this is not my favorite. So if you want to advertise something please make a additional website for it.
    thank you

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