Pretty Panda Retires!

The Webkinz Pretty Panda is retiring!


What’s so special about the Webkinz Beauty Tiara and the Webkinz Beauty Dress? You can only get these items when you adopt the Pretty Panda, the latest pet to be retired in Webkinz World! That means these clothing items, along with the Pretty Panda, are now collector’s items! If you have this pet as part of your Webkinz family, visit Today’s Activities THIS WEEKEND to count sailboats on Saturday and get a FREE Stylish City Dress on Sunday!


39 Responses to Pretty Panda Retires!

  1. sass1e02 says:

    Why do they make the pets retire so fast it’s sad:(:(:(

  2. faatuma says:

    well to bad so sad i really want one !!!!!!

  3. adidogs123 says:

    I have this pet!

  4. 3211k says:

    Why? why? This was such a cute pet! I wish all these pets were not being retired! This is a gorgeous pet and I’m sad to see it retire. :(

  5. rubygirl056 says:

    Why does the pretty panda have to retire so quickly:-( I’ve always wanted the pretty panda

  6. nursebeti says:

    finally!! a pet i have!!:)

  7. Laudiebeth123 says:

    i realy want that pet befor it gose awa

  8. nicolemarion says:

    I have this pet she is kind a old but she is still part of the family! I cant belive I have another retired webkinz. So glad

  9. wildecker says:

    Luckily i got one years ago i named her Rosey. But it is a shame to see the pretty panda go. :(

  10. sumerfs98 says:

    i really want the pretty panda

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