Printable Egg Holders with FREE Codes!


Our printable Egg Holders are back! This year, we’ve included three Community Codes for virtual Egg Cups that you can place in your pets’ room! You can print these sweet egg holders to display your own decorated eggs, and give them to your friends so they can add the Community Code to their own accounts!


Each Egg Cup has four views so it changes color when you rotate it!


Print your Egg Holders for Easter! Here’s what you’ll need to do:


1. Click on the EGG HOLDER PDF below.


2. Download and print the holders from your computer using a color printer


3. Cut along the dotted lines


4. Wrap around an egg you have decorated to form a ring, then make the ring slightly smaller so it can hold the egg


5. Tape at back so holder stays together


6. Display with pride or give to friends and family as a gift!


Happy Spring Celebration from your friends at Webkinz World!


Click to download and print the PDF:

25 Responses to Printable Egg Holders with FREE Codes!

  1. babytwinkleavfk says:

    So cute! Thanks Ganz!

  2. sparklysnail says:

    so cute! thank you!

  3. karolina07 says:

    thank you very much for the cute gift

  4. megamom12 says:

    Wait….3? We get 3 of them this year???? (excited mental dancing going on right now…)

  5. jcannm says:

    hey! I emailed webkinz around monday about an issue, when should i expect a respone? Thanks!

    • megamom12 says:

      According to the note that they wrote, it may take time to get through all of the e-mails as there are a huge amount coming in right now. Everyone is home playing! I’ve gotten so many requests from friends who are finishing up the challenges!

    • 1miruna says:

      need to be rotated for color change prize

  6. KSC says:

    Thank you Ganz!!!

  7. 1miruna says:

    thank you webkinz. I wish you a beautiful spring. Happy Easter everyone. love webkinz

  8. maidoforleans says:

    Has the issue with the previous years chocolate eggs been fixed? I’ve one a white chocolate egg and I’m excited to see what I’ve one.

  9. Alphaowlbear says:

    Thanks, Ganz, for all the surprises and treats you’ve been showering on us this month! Thanks for all the fun – it has been a welcome diversion these past few weeks.

  10. flyinghorse3 says:

    you always think of something, webkinz world!

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