Remember to Log In on St. Patrick’s Day!


Don’t forget to log in on Tuesday, March 17th to receive a special prize! When you log in on St. Patrick’s Day you’ll receive a pair of Emerald Slippers for your pet’s paws!



Do YOU do anything to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at home? Let us know in the comments below!


171 Responses to Remember to Log In on St. Patrick’s Day!

  1. oats34WK says:

    yeah my family don’t do very much on paddys day. but i’ll be here on March 17th

  2. treebabe says:

    We wear green so we won’t get pinched. Who else has a Mom who puts green food coloring in everything on St. Patrick’s Day.

  3. rudyxv says:

    I’ll be wearing green on Saint Patrick’s day!!!

  4. kitkit says:

    Awesome they are my favorite for if you don’t want yours yourselves u can send them to me. Sammyleah14

  5. Uno8schroo says:

    I gonna be sure to wear green and pinch anyone not wearing green. ;)

  6. mavagirl552000 says:

    OMG can’t wait for the shoes! silvermist03, I may have to start doing that….. hahaha ;)

  7. DoodleGirl09 says:

    Last year, we had a scavenger hunt around the house to find a basket full of chocolate gold coins :) Those emerald slippers look dazzling!

  8. shellybrayley says:

    I LOVE the shoes! It is very hard to match up shoes (&hats) with all the nice Green clothes in WW. On March 17 we always have Bangers & mash for supper & a Green pudding with marshmallow & fruit Salad for Desert! :D

    • xCountryKinz17 says:

      That sounds tasty! xD I’m hoping that they can come out with a shiny green crown or something. Because if they did, I might be able to give Topaz a spare outfit that looks almost the same as her normal outfit. xD I don’t think you know this but yes, I have an obsession of clothing and outfits on webkinz.

    • AvzoraB says:

      every year we go to a St Patrick’s Day party wearing our green, especially like shamrock deely boppers and my lucky leaf boa, with a big bunch of our friends. makes for a great holiday and lots of laughs at the goofy green outfits. hope y’all have a great St. Pat’s Day! :D

  9. BigBroDragneel says:

    Shiny green and girl luv them! Girl is my pet

    • xCountryKinz17 says:

      You go, Girl LOL! Oh, I think GingerDragneel mentioned that you went to some kind of camp, how was it? Did you have fun? :)

      • BigBroDragneel says:

        Yes but, I kinda wanted to stay home cause I knew miss sis would throw a party while I was gone! What can I say we are Twins XD

        • xCountryKinz17 says:

          LOL I’m friends with some twins, only they’re both girls. Sadly I’m not gonna see them very much this year, but I will be able to see them at the campground on holidays! :D They’re very, very, very nice! And whenever someone tries to pick on me (happens a lot at the campground) they’ll stand up for me. :)

          • xCountryKinz17 says:

            And yes, I stand up for them as well. ;)

          • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

            I have identical twin nephews. My family and I have a very hard time telling them apart! The boys sometimes can’t tell EACH OTHER apart! ;D

  10. silvermist03 says:

    Pinch everyone who’s not wearing green. ;)

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