Roam Retro Style with the Pug Cruiser and Rover

Totally huggable Hug A Pug Retro Replay items
Why are pugs so popular? Because they’ve been seen driving around town in the sleek Pug Cruiser! Now you can pick one up for any pet without having to hug a Pug!

Or if your pet would rather be seen in an SUV, then the high class Pug Rover will surely win them over! Stylish but solid, this classy car will definitely turn a few heads!

Stay tuned for more Retro Replay items coming each month!

You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!

91 Responses to Roam Retro Style with the Pug Cruiser and Rover

  1. kaitlin says:

    i want to get this prize relly bad

  2. Andyboy1010 says:

    I have a pug that is just like me we both LOVE webkinz world!!!!!!! We like the same food corn!! And we have the same name Andrew

  3. Pug Crazy says:

    I have a webkinz pug named Ella and a real life pug named Ella! I have 5,500 estore points and my deluxe membership says that I get 3,000 points a month but it has been 4 months and it stays the same amount. If you work at webkinz please fix this! P.S.~no i have not spent estore points in these past 4 months and yes my deluxe membership is still valid i check periodically

  4. jacob says:

    i really want both cars

  5. Jacob C says:

    May I have one of Webkinz cars?

  6. WebkinzLuver says:

    I just got a Webkinz oug actually today! But, I’m not a Estore! Dang!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. an says:

    I have a pug!!!!!!!!!

  8. RTH142003 says:

    my frinde solde my car so i realy want one

  9. Amarie says:

    Thats awesome no. amazing na. cool nope. rad um………. It’s…………… SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS!!!!!! YA!

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