Roberta’s Mom’s Baby Shower!


Guess what, everyone? Today was my mom’s baby shower and it was SO much fun! We played games, we ate delicious treats (we had the whole thing catered by La Soufflé) and my mom got a TON of cute gifts. You should see some of the baby clothes! They’re SO tiny. She got mostly green and yellow things, because we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl. My aunt (my mom’s sister) thinks it’s DEFINITELY a girl, but I don’t know. I keep switching between boy and girl! What I DO know is that my mom said in about a month or so the baby will be here, so we have to be ready for him or her. What does that mean? Well, she said we should pick up a few more baby clothes, some diapers, a baby bathtub and a few other things. We’re going to go to the store after school gets out for the summer. I can’t wait!

If you guys could tell me one thing about taking care of babies (something that would help me be a better big sister), what would it be?

95 Responses to Roberta’s Mom’s Baby Shower!

  1. kaylee says:

    I say you need to learn baby’s take time to get to know you so when you hold him or her and they cry don’t get offended they will get used to you soon!

  2. Rachel says:

    I got a baby sister who is now a year old. First, babies are SUPER delicate. second, once they crawl you have to be watching them at all times. Madison (my baby sister) goes everywhere she should not be. Or at least she tries to. Third, babies learn by what the people around them do and say. So don’t be bad around the baby. Babies look cute in almost anything, so make sure your mother doesn’t worry to much about clothes. I hope it’s a girl. Little sisters really are the best. (I have a ‘pest’ brother that’s a few years younger than I am)

  3. Miss Jiff says:

    Holding and singing 2 ur baby sibliling is a great way 2 show your love :)

  4. camprock543 says:

    dont think your not the center of attention anymore. its just the baby needs care and love but you still need to help out.good luck.;D

  5. Kayley says:

    Let me think…….I do have 5 younger siblings,4 sisters and 1 bro. My advice is be patience when they are little they do things because they don`t know any better.Just speak with a soft voice…DO NOT yell.

  6. cat260 says:

    I’m a big sister and one thing you should know is that you should keep him or her busy!(:

  7. fr3d420 says:

    When you’re Mom is stressed out from taking care of a baby all day try to be good & understanding.

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