Room Design Awards – Meet The Finalists!


I’m always honored to present the finalists for the Room Design Awards! There are 25 in the group and 12 will be awarded a Room Design Trophy. None of the finalists have ever won a Room Design Trophy in the past, so I am very excited for each of them!


On January 1st, you’ll be able to vote for your top 5 favorite designs, and those results will be used to determine 8 winners. Mandy, Sally, Steve and I will then pick our favorites, and those 4 designers will each earn a trophy as well.


Congratulations to each finalist! Your designs are excellent and you each deserve to win a trophy.


Please take the time to look over each design carefully and don’t forget to vote on January 1st:



Don’t forget to vote for your top 5 designs, right here at Webkinz Newz, from January 1st – 3rd. You’ll only be able to vote once, but please don’t leave it to the last minute! Look for the “Time To Vote!” article on January 1st. Click on the article, then click the VOTE NOW button to vote.


I will posting the results the following week.


Good luck finalists!


46 Responses to Room Design Awards – Meet The Finalists!

  1. frozenanna2 says:

    Great job everyone!!! Hope everyone had an AMAZING Christmas!

  2. KSC says:

    Awesome room designs!! Congratulations and good luck to the finalists!!

  3. nanamama12 says:

    I vote for….ALL OF THEM! Golly, just a fantastic group of artists! I’m already seeing ideas for my own designs!

  4. TRINSTER says:

    So hard to choose — they are all so good! Gary Not Again makes me laugh every time!

  5. ojibwa says:

    I can’t believe I’m a finalist! I’m so happy just to be included! – eigram

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Hi @ojibwa! I love your “Adventure Scouts” room. I asked someone I know who was in scouts to tell me if this is what it is like, because I never was, and now I feel like I really missed out. Your room looks like soooooo much fun! I LOVE the door in the floor because it enhances the feeling of a secret clubhouse. Can you tell me what the item is to the left of the podium? Maybe it’s part of an awards ceremony, because I see that they are all set up and ready to film the event. Great job, @ojibwa, and congrats on being selected as a finalist!

  6. 7debbie7 says:

    Beautiful Room Designs…Too Difficult To Choose A Favorite!

  7. bonesbongo says:

    @Michael Webkinz the last two designs are The Painted Ladies by Astreichooo.

  8. lz8515 says:

    The last room listed has the same name as the room above it!

  9. Wingsfan65 says:

    Love them all, but the last one is “Holiday Soup Kitchen” by Foggy, right? (it’s one of my favourites :)

  10. SaxPianoNerd says:

    Hi! The last two room themes have the same title. I think the last one is wrong! Congrats to the finalists!

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