Salley Cat: Happy to be Home


Dear Journal,

I am so happy to be home. I had a GREAT time at camp, don’t get me wrong, but I’m really glad to be sleeping in my own bed again. And the best part? I’ve got all of August to do whatever I want! Sweet, sweet freedom! For a whole month! No classes, no homework, no schedules – just the ‘Kinz, outside playing and having fun.

It’s weird though ’cause it’s kind of quiet ’round Kinzville. Almost as soon as we got back from camp Laurabeard, Booger and Polly all took off straight away on vacations. Sounds like fun. I wonder where they’re going.

Oh well, at least I’ve still got the crew to hang out with this summer. I wonder what kind of adventures we’ll get up to ’round here.

- Salley

12 Responses to Salley Cat: Happy to be Home

  1. SquirrelFlight says:

    Have u forgotten about me? Please say no! -SquirrelFlight

  2. emily says:

    i feel the same way Salley does. Slepping in my OWN bed. and with being free from homework. :D

  3. karly says:

    soooo happy 4 u sally <3

    • MonkeyGirl8 says:

      I would be so happy to be home! I would miss my relatives!!

      P.S. Maybe even my brothers loudness!!!!!!!
      CONTACT ME Abigail4050 CONTACT MY BROTHER Ethan720

  4. Webkinz Girl says:

    I’m glad that you’re happy to be back home Salley! :)

  5. Streampaw. says:

    Glad you are happy. :D

  6. Dewstep says:

    I bet booger and polly are going to a really pretty island! have fun booger and polly! dont worry salley youll have fun even though booger and polly arent there!!! bye!! :D :D :D ~ Dewstep

  7. Soumya says:

    Im happy if your happy, salley.

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