Salley Cat’s Journal











Dear Journal,

It sure has been a crazy start to August! Everyone in the ‘Kinz is trying to figure out a big mystery – namely, the things we’re getting in the mail! So far, we’ve got pictures…some numbers…and  this:

It’s a really neat rock that Molly found on her porch this morning– but I have no idea who left it there! We took it to Arte, and he says he’s never seen anything like it before. He suggested that I visit with Doug – he knows pretty much EVERYTHING about rocks. I stopped by Doug’s place, but his neighbor said he’s on a hike today (rats!). I wrote a note and left it in his mailbox, so hopefully  he’ll call me when he gets back. I can’t wait to find out what the story is behind this rock!

Your favorite mystery-hunter,
Salley Cat

15 Responses to Salley Cat’s Journal

  1. Glimy says:

    Oooooh! Cool stone!

  2. manahil says:

    its a big rock with little rocks in it i have seen lots

  3. harevister1 says:

    It looks more like a sedimentary rock; the kind that build up over millions of years. The kind you might find in a mountain! Another clue to go along with the picture that had the tree growing near a landscape of rocky hillsides. It’s good to know you keep notes Sally Cat. I can’t wait to see what else you find.

  4. Calicocatlover says:

    Wow! That’s a really unique rock! :D It’s so amazing! I love the journal in the photo above, too. I wonder what type of rock that is…

  5. Elisha :) says:

    Cool rock.

  6. SapphireSea says:

    So the plot thickens. I do not get what the rock has to do with anything, but I am sure I will figure it out after a while. I still know what the map is, but I’ll wait until the tell us, then I will show you what is wrong with it, that is, if anyone sees my comment and is interested… ~~*~~SapphireSea~~*~~

  7. KINZ LOVER says:

    That’s awesome

  8. Soumya says:

    Ooh! I know what it is! But I’m going to keep quiet about it…

  9. lillyluvie says:

    Nice rock! I wonder what it could mean… It might have something to do with the puzzle pieces! :D
    *Luv from LillyLuvie* p.s. I hope they make an adventure park!!! :mrgreen:

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