Season 23 Guide: Week 5

Master Chef is our 23rd Season! Here are some more details, tips, tricks, and links to more information about week 5 tasks. Click here for the daily and week 1 tasks. Click here for the week 2 tasks. Click here for the week 3 tasks. Click here for week 4 tasks.

Week 5


  • Spend 250 KinzCash at the Curio Shop
  • Earn 200 KinzCash in Jumbleberry Fields
  • Get 75+ on Cake It Up 3 times
  • Visit the Baby Showcase on 3 different days
  • Sell 3 Arcade candies to the W Shop
  • Win a poster by completing Sparky’s Challenge
  • Complete 3 Pet Requests from your grown up pet
  • Get your face painted at the Farmer’s Market
  • Feed your pet 20 Lemonades
  • Complete 3 full days of school at the Kinzville Academy


Spend 250 KinzCash at the Curio Shop

Head to the Curio Shop and tap on the cash register at the back right of the shop. Buy items that add up to 250 KinzCash — you can finish this task incrementally. The available options change every three hours, so check back often if you don’t see something you like.

Earn 200 KinzCash in Jumbleberry Fields

Head to the Arcade, tap on an Arcade unit and select Jumbleberry Fields from the list. It happens to be the game of the day today (May 28), so it’s even easier complete! Otherwise, you can take as many games as you need for the rest of the week to complete this task.

Get 75+ on Cake It Up 3 times

Head to the Arcade, tap on an Arcade unit and select Cake It Up from the list. This is a tricky score to get, especially when you’re first learning this game, but it’s definitely doable! You’d need to get to 150 to earn the trophy!

Visit the Baby Showcase on 3 different days

Head to the Adoption Center and tap on the back wall to see some of the most recently sparked babies!


Sell 3 Arcade candies to the W Shop

If you’ve been collecting Arcade candies, you can finish this in one go — just open the W Shop and tap Sell Items to sell the three candies. If you have the personal candy machine, candies collected there DO count towards this task.


Win a poster by completing Sparky’s Challenge

Head to the Arcade and tap on Sparky to get your challenge! Beat Sparky’s score to win the challenge and earn a random poster as a prize. These challenges range from easy to hard, but you can always check back a few hours later if you don’t want to do the challenge. If Sparky doesn’t have anything over his head when you know he should, log out and back in to reset him.

Complete 3 Pet Requests from your grown up pet

Tap on My Pets and make sure you choose a grown up pet as the active pet. Wait for them to make 3 pet requests to complete this task. The requests don’t have to be completed in the same session or with the same pet, but requests from kid pets will not count.


Get your face painted at the Farmer’s Market

Look for the Farmer’s Market on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays and head to the back right to get your pet’s face painted. It’s a Farmer’s Market day today, so you can complete this task right away!


Feed your pet 20 Lemonades

Look for Lemonade in the W Shop under Food -> Classic Foods. You can feed the Lemonade to the same pet or multiple pets.


Complete 3 full days of school at the Kinzville Academy

Head to the Kinzville Academy and finish three days of classtime, including the pop quiz, to satisfy this task.

3 Responses to Season 23 Guide: Week 5

  1. Gramps says:

    Our Executive Chef Stove dispenser is not working. Is anyone else having a problem? We’ve done everything we can think of the fix it. Please help.

    • sally says:

      If you have the range hood over it, there’s an issue that prevents you from collecting the item. Move the stove away from the range hood so there’s nothing over it for now — they will be fixed this with the next release.

  2. bobme248 says:

    The “cannot reach the game server” is back. I hope that the problem can be identified and fixed quickly. I only have so much game time (normally in the early morning) to try and get these tasks done for my 3 accounts.

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