SNEAK PEEK: June WShop Challenge!


The June WShop Challenge starts on SATURDAY, JUNE 1ST, and players who complete all 3 tasks will receive a Condo Room Divider, along with a NEW Stylish Condo Sink!



Click on the May WShop Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review your tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete the challenge as some tasks may take some time to complete.


The tasks in this month’s challenge include:


  • Buy any 3 items from the Condo room theme at the WShop

  • Spin the Wheel of WOW 5 times at the Arcade

  • Attempt any 5 jobs at the Employment Office



What is YOUR favorite Condo theme item in Webkinz Classic? Let us know in the comments below!




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16 Responses to SNEAK PEEK: June WShop Challenge!

  1. granma4 says:

    Can you please tell me what the “log out thing” is? I don’t know where this is or how or what you can buy. I hope you answer Sally

  2. lgert says:

    sorry but can everyone buy from the logout thing the items with moneyz on here, i cant its been like this for a while the buy don’t work just the cancel, please check into this thanks, like to buy items Sally i hope you see this, i don’t like to email webkinz so much I had enough emails this month, from the update the deluxe account on one thanks so much, it might just be me? thank you all have a great day.

  3. mumudraw says:

    i always need more bathroom stuff

  4. megamom12 says:

    Sweet! A new sink!

  5. iamtntru says:

    Seems to be fixed now.

  6. iamtntru says:

    Any one else having a problem getting on Next ? Try to log on and you get a message saying, lost connection to server. Message comes up on mobile and laptop.

    • 100dogs says:

      Yeah i had the same problem last night after it turned 12 : 00 next day it works now though. They may have been doing some update’s or something.

    • BH1464 says:

      This happens to me ALL THE TIME! It is so frustrating. Most days I can not even get the log in screen to load so I can sign in. I was locked out for the last half of the Gamer season and I’ve been locked out for most of this Chef season. I was able to go to my local library to play for one day. I try to log in and play on Next multiple times every day, but very rarely can get the log in screen to load so I can log in and play. I’ve stopped spending money on Next because if I am able to log in for a day and buy the Season Pass, then I’m locked out for most if not all of the rest of the season so my money is wasted.

  7. bobme248 says:

    What’s up with Next – I keep getting the message “cannot connect to server”

  8. pittiesrule says:

    I can’t wait to get the sink. I have several rooms that can use it.

  9. a5t says:

    So so so excited to finally have a sink for this room theme! I wish it was a permanent installation in the W-shop!

    • dixiecup says:

      I wish you could do it more than once. This is a nice classic design that works in so many rooms that don’t have an accompanying kitchen. If you can’t find a matching theme, sometimes going with a plain black and white really makes the rest of the room pop.

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