Season 24 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

Campkinz Adventure is our 24th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the daily and week 1 tasks.




  • Tickle a baby
  • Feed your pet a candy from the Arcade
  • Complete a class at the Kinzville Academy
  • Dress your pet
  • Play a game at the Arcade


Tickle a baby

Tap on a baby’s crib (your own baby or a friend’s) and then tap the tickle button — this is the one that looks like a baby being smooshed into a heart. Let the animation sequence finish before exiting the crib interface.


Feed your pet a candy from the Arcade

Search your dock for candy that you’ve previously collected, or head to the Arcade to pick up your daily one. If you have the at-home dispenser, the candy from there will also count for this task.


Complete a class at the Kinzville Academy

Head to the Kinzville Academy and complete all three classes and the pop quiz. You don’t have to pass — just complete.

Dress your pet

Put something on your pet! It can be a hat, a necklace, a pair of shoes — whatever you want.

Play a game at the Arcade

Pick a game, any game, at the Arcade to play. The Wheel of WOW counts, but not the bonus Wheel of WOW.

Week 1


  • Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy
  • Spend 20+ Wish Tokens at the Wish Boutique
  • Spend 100 Prize Tickets at the Arcade Shop
  • Collect 3 Flowers from around Kinzville
  • Get a score of 3000+ in Kinzville Pinball
  • Purchase a piece of Yard Decor from the W Shop
  • Sell 10 Crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market
  • Catch the super fast Bee!
  • Participate in the Great Cake Cookoff
  • Earn 100 KinzCash playing Lily Padz


Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy

Since you’ll be taking classes every day, you’ll have lots of chance to earn 4 As on the pop quiz that comes after you finish classes. The questions change every time, so you’re sure to get this over the next five weeks.

Spend 20+ Wish Tokens at the Wish Boutique

Did you know that old event and Player Appreciation Day prizes end up in the Wish Boutique? There’s no rush on when you have to spend these, so check back at the Wish Boutique regularly in case something you really want shows up.


Spend 100 Prize Tickets at the Arcade Shop

You can only collect 9,999 tickets and we regularly have tasks to collect more, so start whittling down on your hoard by spending at the Arcade shop. Play tokens are always a good investment (so you can keep playing your favorite games!), but there’s some cute decorative items in there, too.

Collect 3 Flowers from around Kinzville

Look for the flowers popping up around Kinzville. They should appear within 5 minutes, and they always spawn close to where you are — so you don’t have to stay in one spot. Collect all three to satisfy the task — they usually pop up one right after the other after the first one appears.

Get a score of 3000+ in Kinzville Pinball

Head to the Arcade in Kinzville (you can tap the handy button in your dock to go straight to it!) and tap one of those arcade machines to bring up the list of games. Kinzville Pinball is usually on the bottom row. You’ll need to get this score in one go to sastify this task, but if it’s not your best game, you have a ton of time to practice!

Purchase a piece of Yard Decor from the W Shop

Open the W Shop and scroll down to Decorations and look in the Yard Decor section. Purchase anything from this category to satisfy this task.

Sell 10 Crops to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market

The Farmer’s Market is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays — tap on Farmer Will once you get there to see what produce he’s buying that day. He’ll buy three different crops each time, so make sure you keep a variety of crops on hand. While you can only buy 3 seeds from the Seed Shop on these days, you can always purchase the following growing garden items from the W Shop (Food -> Growing Plants): Pumpkins, Onions, Tomatoes, Red Peppers, Apricots, and Cucumbers.

Catch the super fast Bee!

Look out for the bee that will fly across your screen! It goes pretty fast — tap on it to satisfy this task.

Participate in the Great Cake Cookoff

Check out the schedule to see when the next event begins — you don’t have to place, but you do need to participate to satisfy this task.

Earn 100 KinzCash playing Lily Padz

Head back to the Arcade and look for Lily Padz in the list after you tap on an Arcade unit. This task is cumulative, so you can take as many games as you need to earn this. This game tends to be tricky at first, but with a bit of practice, you’ll find it much easier.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



8 Responses to Season 24 Guide – Week 1 and Dailies

  1. slk says:

    Anyone else having an issue with the Cook Off?

    I tried to play and it wouldn’t register a single thing that sparkled when I picked it up so my dock would stay empty. I then backed out of the game and couldn’t do ANYTHING in next at all. Couldn’t enter buildings kept trying until I finally got in but then couldn’t move anywhere.

    Tried to log out and the game froze on the progress screen doing nothing so I had to close and reopen the app and wait 10 minutes for the log in screen to show up and actually allow me to login [this has been an issue for over a year now].

    Then I try to log in HERE and get the code is invalid error a number of times until I finally got in. Does anything work right anymore?

    All done on PC.

    PS I also have issues with the new flower/snowman where it locks you in place not even facing the flower or snowman and you’re stuck there. So frustrated with these issues.

  2. bonesbongo says:

    Just wanted to mention on two of my accounts when I participated in the Great Cake Cookoff yesterday the task was checked off but I did not received the 20 Season Points that were to be awarded.

  3. kalcan8 says:

    Thank you for having the flowers pop up one right after the other! It makes an activity that is supposed to be fun, actually be fun! Thank you for this guide. It breaks everything down to simple non-threatening steps, and we really appreciate the time and effort that it takes to put this together and share this with all of us.

  4. plentyofpenguins22 says:

    I keep having issues when it comes to spending my school ribbons and wish tokens for tasks such as the “Spend 20+ Wish Tokens at the Wish Boutique” for the seasons. I don’t usually have enough to do a lump sum to complete the challenge at once, so I spend as I earn since it appears to be cumulative. Yesterday I spent 15 wish tokens, and the circle was 3/4 full. However, I logged on again later that same day and the circle was completely empty. The same thing has happened the last two seasons with spending a certain amount of school ribbons.

  5. grandmaback says:

    I’ve hit the bee numerous times without getting credit. I hope it won’t quit flying after one week.

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