Season 24 Guide – Week 2

Campkinz Adventure is our 24th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the week 2 tasks. Click here for the week 1 tasks.

Week 2


  • Collect 20 apples around Kinzville
  • Take your baby to slide on the Baby Slide on three different days
  • Collect the floating Magic W three times
  • Login on 3 different days
  • Complete 3 days of classes that include the Language class
  • Fill a Pet Care heart 5 times
  • Buy 6 seeds from the Farmer’s Market Seed Shop
  • Earn 200 KC playing Goody Gumdrops OR get a score of 12500+ once
  • Participate in a Fantastic Flower game
  • Get a score of 400+ in Picnic OR earn 200 KC


Collect 20 apples around Kinzville

Head to Kinzville and wander around until you collect all 20 apples. You may need to switch to the over-the-shoulder view (tap on the Options button while you’re in Kinzville to find that option) if apples appear between buildings, or you can leave Kinzville and come back to reset the apples.


Take your baby to slide on the Baby Slide on three different days

This will need to be your own baby. Pop one into a stroller and head to the baby park, then tap on the baby slide. Whee!

Collect the floating Magic W three times

These will probably appear as you’re searching Kinzville for apples — you can collect up to 3 per day, though, and you’ve got four weeks to finish this task.

Login on 5 different days

Easy peasy! Log in five times over the next four weeks to satisfy this task.

Complete 3 days of classes that include the Language class

You’re going to class every day anyway — as soon as you’ve completed 3 Language classes, this task is done! It’s a random set of classes each day.

Fill a Pet Care heart 5 times

Fill your pet’s requests to fill their hearts the fastest! There are also activities you can do (usually once per hour) to earn some Pet Care — exercising your pet, playing a game, taking a picture at the Photo Booth. Once you have one pet filled, you can move on to your next one… or you can log in the next day and fill just one request to get that pet back up to full again. Do that five days in a row, and you’re golden. If you have five kids or adults and more patience, you can do this in one day.

Buy 6 seeds from the Farmer’s Market Seed Shop

The Farmer’s Market is available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. You’ll need to visit twice and buy seeds from the seed shop both times to satisfy this task.

Earn 200 KC playing Goody Gumdrops OR get a score of 12500+ once

Head to the Arcade, tap on one of the Arcade machines and choose Goody Gumdrops from the list. You can complete the KinzCash option incrementally, but if you score high enough, you can finish this task in one game!

Participate in a Fantastic Flower game

Check out the Fantastic Flower schedule and hop into a game. You don’t need to win, just participate, to fill this task.

Get a score of 400+ in Picnic OR earn 200 KC

Head to the Arcade, tap on one of the Arcade machines and choose Picnic from the list. You can also complete the KinzCash option incrementally, but if you score high enough, you can finish this task in one game!

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



7 Responses to Season 24 Guide – Week 2

  1. rachelgirl193 says:

    … and of coursse, after the updates, my pets are down to 50% again. I kow I am repeating myself, but could you PLEASE change the way that we can make our pets happy on Next? (Maybe like on classic, by feeding, bathing them, exercising… AND mosto f all, that they are not down to 50% Before 24 hours of last log on is over? (and for me, with the time difference, it is 6 hours extra anyway? It is soooo time consuming when they are down to 50% all the time)

    • BH1464 says:

      I happened to be playing at midnight a few days ago. I had just filled my second heart for the day, but right at midnight both of those hearts reset to zero. I had filled my first heart after 10pm and the second at about 11:45pm. So I had one heart filled for just 2 hours and the second heart for only 15 minutes and both reset to absolute zero at midnight. I was very unhappy with that scenario, but figured there’s not much use in complaining. It wouldn’t change anything anyway.

  2. rachelgirl192 says:

    I was surprised when it already started on Sunday, and surprised because nobody has mentioned it.

  3. grandmaback says:

    What is going on with week two in Next? I logged in last night to get the week 2 tasks and the list said I had completed over half of the already. I can’t tell if I got credit because they weren’t posted yet. If I did, good, if not I’m missing a lot of points. I was suspicious when the apples showed up unannounced the first week. Now I can’t get on Next because of maintenance?

    • sally says:

      Week 2 went up early on the 9th and they decided to just leave it. You would have received credit as normal. We are not currently undergoing maintenance, so you may want to check your internet connection

  4. cr2w says:

    Almost finished with 2nd week. Waiting for the Language class to show up.

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