Season 30 Guide – Week 2

Age of Magic is our 30th Season! Here are some more details, tips and tricks for the week 2 tasks. Click here for the daily and week 1 tasks.


Week 2


  • Collect 10 pieces of Slag from the Gem Mines
  • Have your baby or kid return from Daycare
  • Complete a full level of Tile Towers
  • Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy
  • Collect the floating Magic W three times
  • Get 2000+ points in Home Before Dark OR earn 150 KinzCash
  • Buy 6 seeds from the Farmer’s Market Seed Shop
  • Fill a Pet Care Heart 5 times
  • Cook Shepherd’s Pie on the Stove 3 times
  • Find the Pirate’s Chest in the mines and successfully unlock the Pirate’s Bounty


Collect 10 pieces of Slag from the Gem Mines

Head to the Gem Mines by tapping on it directly from Kinzville, or going through the door in the Curio Shop. Tap on three glowing rocks to bust them open. You’ll want to use pets that don’t have mining skills to increase your odds of getting slag.

Have your baby or kid return from Daycare

This task completes when your baby or kid returns from Daycare. Your baby or kid must have room for growth moments to go to Daycare.


Complete a full level of Tile Towers

Head to the Arcade, tap on an Arcade unit, and select Tile Towers from the list. There’s no score or KinzCash requirement for this task, so any way you can complete the level works!


Get 4 As in Pop Quizzes at the Kinzville Academy

Head to the Kinzville Academy and go through the doors to do your Classtime for the day. After the three classes, complete the Pop Quiz at the end with an A to make progress on this task. You can miss a couple of questions and still get an A, or you can use the hint a couple of times.


Collect the floating Magic W three times

Look for the floating Magic W and tap on it! You can collect up to 3 Magic Ws in a day, so it’s possible to complete this one day, but it is not required.


Get 2000+ points in Home Before Dark OR earn 150 KinzCash

HEad to the Arcade, tap on the Arcade unit, and select Home Before Dark from the list. There are two ways to complete this task — you can score at least 2000 points in one game, or earn KinzCash over several games until you’ve made 150 KinzCash.


Buy 6 seeds from the Farmer’s Market Seed Shop

The Farmer’s Market appears on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. You can buy 3 seeds each time you visit the Farmer’s Market (whether you’ve reached the crop limit or not), so it will take at least 2 visits to complete this task.


Fill a Pet Care Heart 5 times

Complete pet requests to fill your pet’s heart the fastest. You can also feed a hungry pet, exercise it, take a picture at the photo booth or play a game once an hour to earn a bit more pet care.


Cook Shepherd’s Pie on the Stove 3 times

Tap on any stove (your own or a friend’s) and select the Shepherd’s Pie recipe. These ingredients can be found in the W Shop. Make this meal three times to satisfy the task.


Find the Pirate’s Chest in the mines and successfully unlock the Pirate’s Bounty

When you visit the mines, be sure to check in the waterfall area for the pirate chest. If you don’t know your schedule yet, visit every day and note which ones have the chest. That schedule will not change for your account. Tap on the chest to start the puzzle. Solve it successfully to complete this task.

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7 Responses to Season 30 Guide – Week 2

  1. rachelgirl192 says:

    On my first account, the As in the Pop Quiz don’t count. On my second account, the slag does not count, it states I have no slag at all. Are these known problems and will they be fixed?

  2. jojopoodle says:

    why do i have to keep updating my Next app? Also, everytime i login it asks me to click on something to make it go faster

  3. lemony says:

    Love that this is done each week. A small suggestion is to add this to the log in on Next so players can scroll and see that they can come to WKN to get additional info.

  4. pupcowmom says:

    I made the shepherd’s pie three times, got a check mark that it was complete, but I did not get the points.

  5. rachelgirl192 says:

    When will the glitch with the family photo at the seaside resoort (week 1) be fixed? Will we get a notification if it works (I don’t want to have to go there every day and try out).

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