Season Pass Exclusive Recipe!

Craft this ceiling fan in Webkinz Next

We’re big fans of the Tropical Oasis Season and we’ve got a great exclusive recipe item to show it.

Every Season offers one exclusive recipe card to Season Pass holders.

Use the Bits of Magic you collect throughout the Season to build the recipe item.

This Season offers 30 Bits of Magic. That means you can craft 10 Woven Ceiling Fans for you home! Or, you can save your Bits of Magic to craft an exclusive recipe item from any Season as long as you have the recipe card.
How FANtastic is that?

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



9 Responses to Season Pass Exclusive Recipe!

  1. Jole1993 says:

    I’m glad I saw this post, I was considering buying a pass to be able to make fans, I thought you could make them with regular supplies, Now that I know you need Bits of Magic & therefore can only make a limited number I’m glad I didn’t waste my money, I would have been very disappointed.

    • sally says:

      While it’s true that you need the Season Pass “Bits of Magic” to craft the recipe, all Season Pass recipes have the same ingredients, so if you aren’t interested in a Season Pass recipe another Season, you can use the Bits of Magic to craft any other Season Pass recipe you already have.

  2. sunflowers2024 says:

    This is super cool.

  3. unifreebee says:

    Why didn’t you show a room with it so we could see a preview?

  4. BH1464 says:

    Also if the Season offers 30 bits of magic and it takes 10 bits to create each fan, you could only make 3 fans with that 30 bits, not 10. lol

  5. qrax says:

    Very interesting! With this ceiling fan and the spiral staircase, it makes me wonder if second floors will ever be considered for houses in Next. Really cool stuff, as always!

  6. BoulderPrarieHome says:

    I came to see a picture too. But a fun picture like what you did with the tropical oasis soaking tub. That close-up picture with the tree pets makes me want to do that with my pets. Fun, fun, fun

  7. holomermaid says:

    Can you show an example of what it looks like when placed in room? I wasn’t aware there were ceilings in Webkinz Next

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