September Deluxe Day is TODAY!


Once again, Deluxe Members can log in TODAY, Saturday, September 17th, and visit Today’s Activities (on the Webkinz Classic desktop app) to receive a special prize: a Sturdy Study Bed!





If you’d like to join in on the fun and prizes, have a parent visit the Ganz eStore to upgrade your account!




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16 Responses to September Deluxe Day is TODAY!

  1. dinosaurtracker13 says:

    Aww man, I got the date confused with something else!! I really wanted this prize, too… :( Does anybody have a Sturdy Study Bed they don’t want? I would love to figure out a trade!

  2. Elizabeh says:

    I have a wonderful friend who just gifted this bed to me !! :D Can you imagine ! This friend was one of my 1st ever; and she stuck around for 3 YEARS while I was gone from webkinz. I cannot repay her for her friendship. Friend, if you see this; you are my best webkinz friend. noonesfriend

  3. Pokemom says:

    top tier prize!! Thank you!! :D

  4. Pinkl97 says:

    This is awesome. Thank you so much! <3

  5. miamama says:

    Love it! Thank you Ganz Team :)

  6. mfaull says:

    Thanks! Great gift!

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