September’s Featured Pets

86 Responses to September’s Featured Pets

  1. 1955tiny says:

    LOVE the Lynx what is the PSI ??? I JUST wish there was a stone gray cave BED !! Not just a place door them to sit a PET CARE stone BED for pet care. There is no stone gray matching TUB for outside . I am thinking of getting this so a bed and tub are important. I wish 1 of the past waterfalls or ponds of water could count for PET CARE OUTSIDE it would save a lot of room space .

  2. loue354 says:

    I love september’s pets….I can not wait to see their pet item…..Does anyone ever just buy a pet for a specific pet item? I do….Does anyone know what this years halloween pet is? Did I miss it?

    • TropicalGirl says:

      I do! Also, if I don’t like the PSI I will not get the pet. The PSI makes a huge difference, doesn’t it?

      • Beckinz8 says:

        I agree ~loue354, & ~TropicalGirl! When I see a webkinz in the store, I will look up the PSI right on the spot, and if I don’t like it, I probably won’t buy the webbie. I also do something kind of different (I don’t know if anyone else does it this way) – I buy webbies based on storylines. For instance, I’m currently looking for the perfect cat to be “Hermione” for a Harry Potter room, and if I could decide on just the right “Frodo” from The Lord of the Rings, I would be thrilled! I’m looking for something small and meek, hopefully with blue eyes. Any suggestions? My “Samwise Gamgee” is a badger and his PSI is absolutely perfect for the “Shire”!

  3. Ttgbird14 says:

    I love the lynx! I don’t know for sure, but I think Webkinz has never made one before:)

  4. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Ohhh yeessss! Finally, something new! =D So, the English Cream Retriever is actually quite cute, but it looks pretty much like all the other blonde dogs we have. =P However, I am so happy to see that Snow Lynx!! It’s a very cool looking and unique pet! Thanks for not making more remakes. XD

  5. ilovemoonie says:

    Aww, both these pets are really cute! ^_^ I know they already have a bunch of dogs, but that English Cream Retriever is just so adorable! I also really like the lynx, because I like lynxes, and it looks really cool!! I might just have to get one (or both) of these new pets! XD

  6. EmilyCuteHeart says:

    Yes! I got both right, including names (English Cream Retriever and Snow Lynx)! The English Cream Retriever is ADORABLE! I hope it doesn’t sell out before I can ever get one!

  7. EmeraldCity says:

    I LOVE the Snow Lynx, will have to get that one! All are cute! I have a friend that has English Cream Retrievers, they’re so pretty, glad there’s a Webkinz of that breed made now!

  8. FoxesRule612 says:

    Ooh cool! Both of these are very cute. =D

  9. perfect29_backup says:

    I want the orange soda pup… I also want the snow lynx and the retriever they look so cute!

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Oh my gosh… ahhhhh…. I love this month’s pets!!! :D I’m glad that the dog is a new breed and not a remake! (Though it does look a little similar to some other Webkinz dogs I’ve seen, but eh, it’s cute, so I’m not gonna complain) And OHMYGOSH…. the Lynx….. it is so cute!!!!!! :D I’m so glad that Ganz made something that we don’t already have a million of! (There are two other lynxes, but one of them is an expensive signature and the other is retired) I think I need to buy it… Actually, I think I will buy it when it comes out XD

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      I already have a name and everything planned out for the lynx.. gosh, I’m getting too far ahead of myself, aren’t I? XD

      • ilovemoonie says:

        I hope you are able to get the lynx, TaffyKitty! :D That’s awesome that you already have a name planned out!! I’m really curious to see what it is… ;)

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Ah, well thanks, ilovemoonie!! :D I’m gonna ask my mom if I can get it tomorrow morning when it’s *hopefully* released on the estore website… hopefully I can get one then! And hahah, thanks! XD I don’t want to spoil too much, but…. If I get one, he will be named something amazing (also known as Vision, because I cannot contain myself XD )

          • ilovemoonie says:

            You’re welcome, TaffyKitty! That’s awesome, I really hope you can!! :D I think I might want to get one too, haha. ;) And no problem! (Oh my gosh, really?! That’s awesome that you’re going to name him Vision!! That is perfect, if you ask me XD) I have a couple names in mind for the lynx, but I’m not sure about any of them yet… (I had this idea to make his first name be Winter and his last name be Soldier, and he’ll actually be pretty friendly and love pandas and have his own lawn mowing business, (the last two things are because of inside jokes me and my sisters have XD) but I’m not sure if that is a good idea, or a really terrible idea. :P)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Hey, ilovemoonie! Well thank you! :D I hope I’m able to! ^-^ I hope ya can! It would be so awesome if we both got one!! (Hahah, and thanks! XD I’ve really been wanting to name a Webkinz ‘Vision’ for a long time now (especially after I got Wanda, because I need to have those two interact XD )… and I thought this pet would be perfect! :D If I end up getting him, I’ll let ya guys know on the forums, I think, as long as no one minds ;) Most of his personality is already firgured out, too, hahahah XD I’m such a goof. And… OH MY GOSHHH that is like, the best name idea ever XD (and the personality I love the personality ahhhhhh) Hahah, the thing with the pandas just cracked me up :,D In my opinion, I think it’s a great idea!! You should totally do that!! :D (hey, and if you decide to use him on the forums along with all of the other Marvel based or Marvel loving Webkinz, maybe I could make Clint be really suspicious of him or something XD (since he’s just that way :P ) But yes, I think it’s great idea, in my opinion! :D (plus the name is kinda Bucky based, and ya gotta love Bucky XD ))

          • ilovemoonie says:

            You’re welcome, TaffyKitty! I hope so! And thanks!! Yeah, it would be so cool if we both had one! :D I must admit, when I first saw it I didn’t like it too much, but over the past few hours it’s really grown on me, and I really want to get it now XD (You’re welcome! Oh yeah, I remember you telling me you wanted to name a Webkinz ‘Vision’! I think the lynx is really perfect, for some reason it just fits XD Ohh, yes, you have to have those two interact! XD That’s great! If you end up getting it, be sure to let us know! I know for sure I wouldn’t mind! And that’s super neat that you know so much about him already!! XD) (And ah, thank you so much!!! I’m really glad you like that idea!! XD I just randomly came up with it when I was trying to think of names, and I must say, I do rather like it. ;) Haha, thanks! If you want, maybe I could tell you the inside joke behind the panda thing on the forums sometime? (Since I’m not sure if I should post it on here since it might be a bit long.) Thanks again, though!! If I get the snow lynx, I might just name him that! XD (And ah, yes, that would be really funny!! I probably would use him on the forums with all the rest of ‘em, it would be really funny if Clint was like that!) (And yesss, that is definitely a plus! If I got him, then I would have a James, Bucky, Sebastian, Stan, Ykcub, and Winter Soldier XD You can never have too many Webkinz named after Bucky!)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Thank you again! Yep, I hope we both can!! :D That would be so awesome!! And really? Well hey, it’s okay! I’m like that with certain Webkinz, too (I remember back when the black Labrador came out, I wasn’t a huge fan of it, but after awhile, I started to think it was kinda cute, and then now, a few months later, I have one and he is one of my currently most used Webkinz, named Clint XD

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Aw, dang it… a big portion of my above comment got cut off XP Only the first part of it moderated :/ I guess I either got too off-topic, or it was too long >.< I'm sorry about that, ilovemoonie! D: If you want, maybe we could continue this conversation on the forums? Maybe it would have a better chance of moderating there?

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Hey, TaffyKitty! Aw, yeah, I saw your comment, and I figured it must’ve gotten cut off. :/ That’s too bad, though, I worried we might be getting too far off topic, eheheh… :P It’s all right, there’s no need to apologize! And sure, that is a good idea! I’m sure it’d probably moderate better on there. Do you want to continue our conversation below on there as well? If you want, maybe you could post your reply to this conversation on the forums, then I could reply back and reply to the conversation below on there as well? Only if that’s okay with you, though! (And sorry if that didn’t really make sense. >.<)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Hey ilovemoonie! Ah yeah… it kinda stinks >.< Especially since I probably spent 10 minutes typing it up… and I have absolutely no idea what I said now :/ Ithonk I did get too off-topic.. because instead of talking about these new pets, I was mostly talking about Marvel, oops :P Thanks for understanding, though! And sure, that sounds good to me! We can continue both of our conversations here on the forums! Alrighty, I can do that! If you don't mind, though, is it okay if I post my response tomorrow? (I'm planning on posting an 'update' of sorts tomorrow morning, and perhaps at the end of the update post, I can include to re-typed up version of my response to this conversation? (If that makes sense)) That is, if you don't mind! I just thought it would be a little easieee that way because everything would be in one place… and I wouldn't be cluttering up the forums with too many 'main' comments, but again, that's only if you're fine with it! I can honestly do anything! (And also, I'm sorry if this didn't make much sense… I know I can be a bad explainer sometimes, eheh XP (and o worries, your comment made sense to me!))

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            *easier, not easieee, sorry! Goofy autocorrect :P

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Andddd I meant to say “I think”, not “Ithonk” Gosh, I’ve been making a lot of typos today.. I dunno what’s up with me..

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Aw, yeah, I’m sure it did. >.< It's always annoying when something doesn't moderate, especially if you spent a lot of time on it. And it's all right! I probably would have done the same thing! It's hard not to talk about Marvel XD But I can imagine they probably wouldn't want us talking about it in this particular place, considering the comments should be related to the new Webkinz. And all right, that sounds great! Sure, you can do it tomorrow, if you'd like! :) I don't mind! That way everything would be in one place, like you said. (And no worries, it made sense!!) Thanks for letting me know, TaffyKitty, and that sounds good to me! :) (And it's fine! I can make typos a lot, too…when I'm writing stories, sometimes I make typos and don't notice them for weeks XP)

      • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

        XD Well, if you plan on buying it, maybe not! Have you planned out the personality yet? XD

        • ilovemoonie says:

          I’ve done that before. I’ve actually come up with full, almost completely developed personalities for some pets before I even get them XD I have a name and personality for the new hedgehog, but I still haven’t gotten it, unfortunately…

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          Heheh, thanks, emi XD Actually, believe it or not, a lot of the personality has already been planned out XD I know practically everything expect for what some of his dislikes and likes will be… heheh…

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Oh, and ilovemoonie, hahah, that’s funny, because I do the same thing sometimes, too! XD And really?? If I may inquire, what is your name and personality idea foe the new hedgehog??? (I was wondering if we had the same idea in mind. For the longest time, I planned on naming the new hedgehog “Peter Quill” (after Starlord) if I got one… was that your idea, too??????)

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Meant to say “for”, not “foe”… sorry! XP

          • ilovemoonie says:

            Haha, that’s cool, TaffyKitty! Believe it or not, I actually find myself doing that quite often XD I remember I had pretty much everything figured out about my Signature Dutch bunny, Rose, quite awhile before I ever got her, haha! ;) And oh my gosh, “Peter Quill”! That is an absolutely amazing and hilarious name XD No, we actually don’t have the same idea! I was going to name mine “Tribble”, after a little furry creature from Star Trek. When I first saw the hedgehog, it automatically reminded me of that. Tribble would like to eat a lot, have a whole bunch of relatives, and for some reason I picture him talking in a hight-pitched voice. XD I love that idea to name it Peter Quill, though, I actually never thought of that! You should totally do that, TaffyKitty! :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Haha, thanks! Really? That’s pretty cool!! XD Heheh, that’s pretty awesome! I didn’t know that your had Rose’s name and personality figured out so long before your got her!! And haha, thanks! XD Shortly after that pet came out, that idea randomly came to me, and it’s stuck ever since, haha! And ah… so that’s what your name idea was!! Aw, “Tribble” sounds like such a cute name! ^-^ And the personality is adorable, too!!!! :D You should totally get one and name it that!! I haven’t seen enough Star Trek to know what a tribble is, eheh, (I won’t saw a few episodes when I was very little) but it does sound cute! (And the high-pitched voice ohmygoshhhh how adorable!!! XD ) Ah, why thank you! :D I think I might just do that sometime! After all, I can’t resist naming my pets after Marvel characters, especially if there’s a pun involved XD (since Starlord’s last name is ‘Quill’ and hedgehogs have quills, so I find it quite fitting XD ))

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            And I meant to say “only”, not “won’t” in that one sentence. What’s up with all of my typos today??

          • ilovemoonie says:

            You’re welcome! Yep! And thank you! I came up with the name for Rose at the beginning of this year, I think, and I don’t remember when I came up with the personality, but I know it was quite far in advance, because I’m weird like that XD And you’re welcome! I can’t believe I never thought about that, haha…that is a super awesome idea, though, if you ask me!! XD And thank you! I’m glad you like that name! I would definitely name it that if I got it! It’s all right! The tribbles are actually only in one episode, but that was my favorite episode, and they are adorable ^_^ I actually even have a toy tribble XD (And hahaha, thanks, I don’t know why I picture him talking like that XD) You’re welcome! You definitely should!! Yes, it is irresistible naming Webkinz after Marvel characters, haha, and punny ones are the best XD (Yes, that is an amazing pun! Quite fitting, I’d say! ;) )

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            Thanks again! And no problem! Ah, really? That’s pretty cool, I must say!! :D I don’t think I’ve actually ever planned out both a pet’s name and personality that far in advance… and haha, it’s okay, it is not weird at all XD Well thank you!! Oh gosh, now I’m really wanting the new hedgehog… uh oh…. XD I think I might need to get one soon to fuel my Marvel naming obsession, hahaha! And it’s alright! I never would’ve thought about it myself if it didn’t make the connection randomly one day, so it’s okay! You’re welcome! It’s a really cute name!! ^-^ Aww.. Tribbles sound so cute… even if they were only in one episode! I can definitely see why that one would be your favorite, hahah! I think I might just have to look up tribbles later, because I really want to see what they look like! I bet they’re absolutely adorable! :,D Ooh, that’s cool! A toy tribble, that sounds amazing!! XD (You’re welcome!! That is really cool, I gotta say! I love Webkinz with high-pitched voices XD ) And thank you! I must do it, because it is essential XD (Hahah, thanks! I think so, too! :) )

          • FoxesRule612 says:

            Ahhh yes Trouble with Tribbles….that episode is hilarious! XD

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