Sewing Recipes Exclusively at the Wish Boutique!



Did you know there are five sewing recipes that are EXCLUSIVE to the Wish Boutique in Webkinz Next? If you’d like to craft one of these adorable sewing recipes, save up your Wish Tokens! You can use your Wish Token to purchase recipes you can make on your sewing machine.



Of course, in order to make your recipes you’re going to need to crafting materials so don’t forget to visit the vending machine outside the Curio Shop every day to collect your material Pick Packs that let you select the materials you need!


Have you crafted any of the exclusive Wish Boutique sewing recipes? Tell us which ones!


Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


15 Responses to Sewing Recipes Exclusively at the Wish Boutique!

  1. buski11 says:

    I don’t see any sewing recipes

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    Now what’s a shacket? Shorts x jacket???? XD

  3. FoxesRule612 says:

    LOLLL more goofy Next memes XD lovely

  4. kimbrm2 says:

    What is up with this scary wolf character???

    • kalcan8 says:

      It’s the WW timber wolf head superimposed onto Gru from Despicable Me during the business meeting scene with the guy from the bank. Our family loves that scene, and we refer to it all of the time, wishing that we could prank one another as well as those kids and minions pranked Gru. I LOVE seeing the creative team demonstrating their wry sense of humor.

  5. Grandma52 says:

    I like the shoes.

  6. My4Sweeties says:

    I have all 5 of these recipes and have made multiples of each. I also have recipes from earning KVA Sewing tickets that I apply to a pet and have made multiples there as well.

  7. BH1464 says:

    I have already made the shoes and the purse, but I haven’t even seen the other 3 recipies yet when visiting the Wish Boutique. I’ll need to remember to check out their selection more often while playing in Next.

  8. choover143 says:

    I didn’t know that was a thing. I will look for them :)

  9. megamom12 says:

    I have all of them!

  10. craig456 says:

    I’ve made the kitty sidebag; it’s super cute!

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