Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
Haha chow chow means bye bye in Bulgarian. It’s so cute! I will get myself that pup for my bday and I only have 5 webkinz no sigs but from amazon dad will get me the chow chow and the marble cat. So sad they are discontinuing
sigs :(.
i already have this its logged in to my account it comes with a wish token,bonus gift box,and a empire tower bed and its own wallpaper and flooring!!!!! :) :) :)
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
Haha chow chow means bye bye in Bulgarian. It’s so cute! I will get myself that pup for my bday and I only have 5 webkinz no sigs but from amazon dad will get me the chow chow and the marble cat. So sad they are discontinuing
sigs :(.
They CAN NOT stop making signature i only have 4 no signature.. :(
Me the same :(
this is such cute looking webkinz :)
OMG! Cutest Pet Ever!
aw i love this sig XD
LOL this pet looks like a bear!!! But it’s cute♥ :3
i already have this its logged in to my account it comes with a wish token,bonus gift box,and a empire tower bed and its own wallpaper and flooring!!!!! :) :) :)
so adorable!
soooooooooooooooooooo!! cccccccuuuuuuuuuttttttteeee
i know right!