Sneak Peek: Adopt a Grey Tabby on #NationalCatDay!



October 29 is #NationalCatDay and we’re celebrating with big mews! We’re making the virtual version of the Webkinz Classic Grey Tabby available for one day only!


If you missed this sweet plush cat when it was available, October 29 is your chance to add the virtual Grey Tabby to your Webkinz Classic family. It’s also the perfect time to adopt the virtual Grey Tabby in Webkinz Next!


The Grey Tabby comes with a virtual Pet Specific Item (PSI) and Pet Specific Food (PSF) in each game. The Grey Tabby loves its yummy Tuna Melt Medley, and spending time in its Kitty Condo!
And in Webkinz Next pets come with three Sparks that you can combine with the Sparks of a another pet to spark adorable Webkinz babies?


Mark your calendars! On #NationalCatDay on October 29, the virtual Grey Tabby Cats will make the purr-fect additions to your Webkinz families!

18 Responses to Sneak Peek: Adopt a Grey Tabby on #NationalCatDay!

  1. piggitime says:

    I have him. He’s great and I’m very happy with Rob and his active dual life on Next and real webkinz where he is both a practicing wizard, and still an Academy student respectively. Which brings me to why I am here. At Rob’s school there are a trio of werecats — or weremonsters as you may know them professionally — and the weremonsters have events…events two of which ARE THE SAME AS FOR DELUXE. Dear programmers, why must you do this? Why do you do this? This is not the first time. When deluxe and special adoption bonuses coincide like this, you only get to do the event one time. No. Just so much no. Please stop this, or fix it where we can do the event for both. Deluxe members pay for the privilege of these events. Special adoption adopters also pay for the privilege. When someone pays for both, they deserve to not be cheated. Wiring the system to only be able to handle this for one such holder is absolutely cheating us. (so is the game kicking deluxe members out for Deluxe Prize Machine, but I digress). Seriously, please, there has to be a way to either fix this or avoid it.

  2. crystalfawns53 says:

    If I didn’t have a grey tabby cat on Next, I would get one! Grey tabby cats are seriously so adorable. I used all of the sparks on my grey tabby cat and got one tabby cat from it.

  3. Eilish says:

    I have 3, so far. Archer, Fletcher, and Bowie. I just love them.

  4. aml321 says:

    I Love grey tabbies. I have gotten so many good pets out of them. so glad to celebrate this cutie!

  5. FoxesRule612 says:

    Hey! Sally’s favorite! A-lotta green tabbies here :D

  6. bubbac4 says:

    I so wish we could buy Next pets and Next items using the Estore points Deluxe members have bought

    • annm2990 says:

      That would be amazing! I have bought so many estore points during special sales, because I can’t pass up a good sale. But I don’t ever see the Next gems go on any major sales like the 50% or get free items with purchase.

  7. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    My favorite baby cat is the purple one :)

  8. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    I’m naming her Stella

  9. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Omg I love it so much, I have such a soft heart for cats I don’t know why, but they’re sweet adorable and cuddly thank you so much ganz for bringing it to arrow on Sunday! TYSM ❤️❤️

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