SNEAK PEEK: August Deluxe Challenge!


The August Deluxe Monthly Challenge starts on THURSDAY, AUGUST 1ST, and players who complete all 3 tasks will receive a Scrambled Omelet for your pet to enjoy while relaxing underneath their NEW Peaceful Reading Spot!



Click on the Deluxe Challenge icon in your pet’s room to review your tasks. Make sure you give yourself enough time to complete your Deluxe Monthly Challenges as some tasks may take time to complete. This month’s tasks:


    • Earn 70 KinzCash playing Scrambled at the Arcade


    • Spin the Wheel of Deluxe 3 times


    • Ask your friends for 15 Unicorn Candies



Not a Deluxe Member? Join before the end of August in order to play August’s Deluxe Challenge!




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21 Responses to SNEAK PEEK: August Deluxe Challenge!

  1. sunnyten10 says:

    I can’t even tell you how much I HATE scrambled. No matter how much I click, the mixer will not mix and if it does the ingredients are usually wrong. This game is impossible.

  2. chri333 says:

    Ok what unicorn candies and where do you get them?

  3. elizton says:

    I’m not a fan of scrambled either but if you play it enough you can get to the amount of kinz cash be for you know it

  4. soccerprincessu12 says:

    Regarding “friends”, what is the best way to clean up my friends list? I have been a member since 2005 and I am sure I have many defunct friend names. I’d like to clean up my list to current players! Thanks!

    • alucard says:

      @soccerprincessu12 – Go to your phone, scroll down and click on the friend you no longer want, click on the icon at the bottom right that shows a smiley face that is a frown (it should show a negative sign -). When you point your mouse arrow on it you will see something that ask if you want to delete the friend, click on that and it should remove your friend. Hope this info helps. This info is for Webkinz Classic.

    • kbdavis says:

      my strategy is to open kinzpost and go to send a package. if their account is free, you won’t be able to send packages. the icon is a smiley face, instead of the deluxe or full member icon. free accounts haven’t adopted any pets within the past year, so that might mean they don’t play anymore and are the account is inactive. it’s not totally foolproof, but i can always add someone back if we decide to be friends again!! i hope this is helpful to you!

    • CocoaBunny says:

      You could also get a/several building kits from the wshop, and take note of which friends send items back over a timeframe (say two weeks), so it’ll also include free/formerly full members that still play the game but don’t want to adopt anymore pets. Also, check family score, as there’s so many ways to unintentionally earn points towards that, and maybe cut free players that have a really low or next to no score.

  5. spotsofbeauty says:

    I also find Scrambled very difficult – but the tree is awesome. Might take some time …

    • 3canbc says:

      me to my friend nice to see you on here, your a great friend of mine on classic, i to have trouble with this game, its not like the pizza game, it is two hard to fix the egg for the wrong person, i will have to play it many times, i can get maybe to two rounds lol. good luck to us.

  6. kalcan8 says:

    Has the omelette always had a lemon slice on top?? This is why close up pictures of the WW items are so important. (Do you know how many of those things my pets have eaten over the years, and they never mentioned the lemon slice?!?) I love reading outdoors, so this is the prize for me. I can’t wait to see my webbies curled up with a good book enjoying the shade. Thanks design team!

  7. sparkles1117 says:

    Thank You for an easy August challenge, I like scrambled.

  8. kbdavis says:

    i love it!! do pets sit under the tree and read? i can’t wait for this awesome prize :D

  9. grandmaback says:

    I’m glad the deluxe prize isn’t too exciting . I really do not like Scrambled so I will pass on this challenge.

    • pepsi4324 says:

      I don’t really like that game, either. But, I am going to play every day and see how far I get. I’ll bet your pet really wants this tree! LOL! Maybe, you should just play a little ever day, like me.

  10. mfaull says:

    I find Scrambled very difficult, but I will give it a try.

    • kalcan8 says:

      You can do it. Just take it one order at a time. The best advice that I ever read was that the color border on the order card matches the color of the customer’s plate. Just methodically follow the steps – click on the first customer, crack the required eggs, add the required ingredients, blend, restock eggs, pour, take the next customer’s order, flip the first omelette, add eggs and ingredients to blender, while blending serve first customer his finished omelette, pour blender, and repeat the process with each customer. Also important – remember to breathe! (I hold my breath when I am stressed.)

    • Duckcall says:

      Remember that you have a month to get 70 KinzCash. If you score a few$$ each day you will reach your goal.

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