Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This April Pet?


Which wonderful worldly pet could this be?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early April to find the answer!


166 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This April Pet?

  1. sithlord says:


  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    GUYS!!!! Guess what???? I GOT MY FOX!!!!!!! My Red Velvet Fox, excuse me. =DDDD Okay, here is a brief summary of my unboxing “video” (I put that in quotes because I didn’t take any videos): “SOOOOOOOO FLUFFFEH!!!!!” XDD Man, this is better than Christmas! Well, I don’t know, but I’m crazy right now. I got a few other things including an art bag, a huge thing of my favorite pencils, and a really epic fox t-shirt. I can’t wait to see what pets will be released! When I first saw it I thought it was a walrus! XD well, it could just be the color pattern. Did anyone notice that it says “worldly”? I think it’s going to be an Earth Day themed pet. =^^=

    • lavadragon says:

      ^ I hope so and congratulations. That’s pretty much the only type of shirts I wear, the ones with the animal faces/scenes.

    • megamom12 says:

      Hahaha! I am so very happy for you FoxesRule12! I am glad to see you so excited about the pencils! Perhaps we will see some art from you soon???? Enjoy your new Fox!

      • FoxesRule612 says:

        It’s likely you will. I’ve been putting more and more of my pictures in the Share Center, so you can go ahead and look in the Fan Art section if you want to see some! =^^= Remember to give God the glory!

  3. chilly105 says:

    Hmm, maybe a hummingbird? That would be cool!

  4. baybdahl1 says:

    A whale or a blue, white, green guinea pig?

  5. ImaPepper says:

    Hmm…my first thought was some kind of frog. But…I don’t know……I’m stumped. Looking forward to the reveal, though!

  6. haleylovergirl says:

    I think it might be a blue fox. That would be so cool.

  7. ChipsnSalsa says:

    Some kind of bird maybe?

  8. Gem71 says:

    It is a blue skunk :)

  9. Emilymarie2003 says:

    Is it a blue skunk?

  10. PeachyPuppiesMC says:

    A have three guesses… Bunny, squirrel or…. BIRD!! I hope they are right somehow

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