Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This December Pet?


Can you guess which precious pup this is?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early December to find the answer!


51 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This December Pet?

  1. greenwolf says:

    it is the spaniel pup

  2. masterskull1 says:

    Puppy but what….spaniel or a golden retriever

  3. kitkat2004 says:

    cant wait to find out the pet of the month tomm.!!!!!!!!!

  4. doodlethepoodle345 says:

    Either Yorkshire Terrier or Signature Yorkshire Terrier. Hard to tell, the fur looks signature though

  5. anneso says:

    signature border terrier i think

  6. violetflower24 says:

    A pug maybe? I love pugs they are so cute! Maybe a Webkinz signature pug?

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