Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This February Pet?


Which cool creature could this be?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early February to find the answer!


80 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This February Pet?

  1. raggedyannefish says:

    Eskimo dog

  2. blindfold11201 says:

    This one I guess a soft Bunny Rabbit.

  3. Beckinz8 says:

    I was thinking polar bear, but the weird thing is, the close-up pictures look a lot like parts of the eskimo dog. Hmmmmm… maybe it’s an arctic hare like winterwarriorwolf and emi x5 said.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Although I really wish the design team would consider a weasel and an ermine. They can be siblings, and one would live in the north (ermine) and one would live in the south (weasel). They could have cute twin names like Gwen and Ben, or something. (Kind of like the town mouse and the country mouse story. Their PSI and PSF could reflect that.) What do you think?

  4. HobbitJedi says:

    it would be cool if it is a pig

  5. horsesandzebras1001 says:

    Polar bear maybe, lol there is a blizzard where I am so it kinda goes with the theme

  6. djdinosaur70 says:

    guinea pig

  7. doingmydailies says:

    I am so excited that there are 3 February pets!!!! I love that Webkinz is going back to 3 new plush pets a month! It’s a “cool creature.” It totally looks like an artic hare to me. I was so convinced that the other white pet was a bunny, but now I think this one is an artic hare and the other one is a mouse, guinea pig or a chinchilla. I am so excited for all the new pets!!!!

  8. splashsgirl says:

    it is def a rabbit of some kind. maybe a sig white rabbit?

  9. Codekitkat says:

    my webkinz username is Dogsly345

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