Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This July Pet?


Can you guess which colorful corny pet this is?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early July to find the answer!


93 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This July Pet?

  1. strawberryswirls27 says:

    I also think it’s a unicorn. The ribbons remind me of the ribbon unicorn. (:

  2. kitty4143 says:

    Maybe a pegasus

  3. berryswirl5566 says:


  4. moonjellyisawesome says:

    Its a unicorn.

  5. MagicalRetrieverBeauty says:

    A unicorn! A well made I must say!

  6. greenmagic77 says:

    The top left pic is her fur, the bottom left pic is one of her hooves, the top right pic is her tail/hair,and the bottom right pic is her eye with eyelashes. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I want her so bad and I did not even see the full picture of her. LOL! XD

  7. Petra82 says:

    Rainbow Unicorn

  8. griffoned says:

    When you hear “corny” from Webkinz, expect a unique horn.

  9. bettyboopmeg says:

    A Unicorn!!! yay!!

  10. ImaPepper says:

    That looks to me like a pastel version of the ribbon unicorn! I’ve never found a unicorn in stores; I’d love to have one, though.

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