Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This July Pet?


Can you guess which nice gnawing pet this is?





Give us your guess in the comments below, and visit in early July to find the answer!


90 Responses to Sneak Peek: Can YOU Guess This July Pet?

  1. griffoned says:

    Beaver. At least it looks like a different color.

  2. jenvic says:

    probably a rabbit or guinea pig

  3. Hawaii50 says:

    Brown Squirrel

  4. yamzratnog says:

    Revamp of the beaver?

  5. ilovemoonie says:

    It’s gotta be a beaver! I already thought it was from the description, but after seeing all the pictures, (especially the top right one), I’d say it’s definitely a beaver. :)

  6. redmonkey1972 says:

    gerbil or hamster

  7. frogwoman09 says:


  8. SnowFox15 says:

    Possibly some sort of beaver?

  9. ncg0824 says:

    mouse or rat

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